25 CFR Part 514 - PART 514—FEES
- § 514.1 What is the purpose of this part?
- § 514.2 When will the annual rates of fees be published?
- § 514.3 What is the maximum fee rate?
- § 514.4 How does a gaming operation calculate the amount of the annual fee it owes?
- § 514.5 When must a gaming operation pay its annual fees?
- § 514.6 What are the quarterly statements that must be submitted with the fee payments?
- § 514.7 What should a gaming operation do if it changes its fiscal year or ceases operations?
- § 514.8 Where should fees, quarterly statements, and other communications about fees be sent?
- § 514.9 What happens if a gaming operation submits its fee payment or quarterly statement late?
- § 514.10 When does a late payment or quarterly statement submission become a failure to pay?
- § 514.11 Can a proposed late fee be appealed?
- § 514.12 When does a notice of late submission and/or a proposed late fee become a final order of the Commission and final agency action?
- § 514.13 How are late submission fees paid, and can interest be assessed?
- § 514.14 What happens if the fees imposed exceed the statutory maximum or if the Commission does not expend the full amount of fees collected in a fiscal year?
- § 514.15 May tribes submit fingerprint cards to the Commission for processing?
- § 514.16 How does the Commission adopt the fingerprint processing fee?
- § 514.17 How are fingerprint processing fees collected by the Commission?