26 CFR § 1.72-8 - Effect of certain employer contributions with respect to premiums or other consideration paid or contributed by an employee.

§ 1.72-8 Effect of certain employer contributions with respect to premiums or other consideration paid or contributed by an employee.

(a) Contributions in the nature of compensation—(1) Amounts includible in gross income of employee under subtitle A of the Code or prior income tax laws. Section 72(f) provides that for the purposes of section 72 (c), (d), and (e), amounts contributed by an employer for the benefit of an employee or his beneficiaries shall constitute consideration paid or contributed by the employee to the extent that such amounts were includible in the gross income of the employee under subtitle A of the Code or prior income tax laws. Amounts to which this paragraph applies include, for example, contributions made by an employer to or under a trust or plan which fails to qualify under the provisions of section 401(a), provided that the employee's rights to such contributions are nonforfeitable at the time the contributions are made. See sections 402(b) and 403(c) and the regulations thereunder. This subparagraph also applies to premiums paid by an employer (other than premiums paid on behalf of an owner-employee) for life insurance protection for an employee if such premiums are includible in the gross income of the employee when paid. See § 1.72-16. However, such premiums shall only be considered as premiums and other consideration paid by the employee with respect to any benefits attributable to the contract providing the life insurance protection. See § 1.72-16.

(2) Amounts not includible in gross income of employee at time contributed if paid directly to employee at that time. Except as provided in subparagraph (3) of this paragraph, section 72(f) provides that for the purposes of section 72 (c), (d), and (e), amounts contributed by an employer for the benefit of an employee or his beneficiaries shall constitute consideration paid or contributed by the employee to the extent that such amounts would not have been includible in the gross income of the employee at the time contributed had they been paid directly to the employee at that time. Amounts to which this subparagraph applies include, for example, contributions made by an employer after December 31, 1950, and before January 1, 1963, if made on account of foreign services rendered by an employee during a period in which the employee qualified as a bona fide resident of a foreign country under section 911(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or under section 116(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939. In such a case, it would be immaterial whether such contributions were made under a qualified plan or otherwise. See subparagraph (4) of this paragraph for rules governing the determination of the amount of employer foreign service contributions to which this subparagraph applies. On the other hand, if contributions are made by an employer to a qualified plan at a time when compensation paid directly to the employee concerned with respect to the same services rendered would have been includible in the gross income of the employee, such as in the case of an employee of a State government where contributions are made in 1955 with respect to services rendered by the employee prior to the year 1939, this subparagraph does not apply to such contributions.

(3) Limitation—(i) In general. Except as provided in subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph, the provisions of subparagraph (2) of this paragraph shall not apply to amounts which were contributed by the employer after December 31, 1962, and which would not have been includible in the gross income of the employee by reason of the application of section 911, if such amounts had been paid directly to the employee at the time of contribution. Employer contributions attributable to foreign services performed by the employee after December 31, 1962, do not constitute, for purposes of section 72 (c), (d), and (e), consideration paid or contributed by the employee.

(ii) Exception. The provisions of subdivision (i) of this subparagraph shall not apply to amounts which were contributed by the employer to provide pension or annuity credits (determined in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph (4) of this paragraph) to the extent such credits are—

(a) Attributable to foreign services performed before January 1, 1963, with respect to which the employee qualified for the benefits of section 911(a) (or corresponding provisions of prior revenue laws), and

(b) Provided pursuant to pension or annuity plan provisions in existence on March 12, 1962, and on that date applicable to such services.

Amounts described in this subdivision constitute, for purposes of section 72 (c), (d), and (e), consideration paid or contributed by the employee even though such amounts are contributed by the employer after December 31, 1962.

(4) Determination of employer foreign service contributions which constitute consideration paid or contributed by employee. For purposes of subparagraphs (2) and (3)(ii) of this paragraph, employer foreign service contributions which constitute, for purposes of section 72 (c), (d), and (e), consideration paid or contributed by the employee shall be determined as follows:

(i) Treatment of identifiable contributions. If, under the terms of the pension or annuity plan under which employer contributions were made, such contributions may be identified as—

(a) Attributable to foreign services performed before January 1, 1963, with respect to which the employee qualified for the benefits of section 911(a) (or corresponding provisions of prior revenue laws), and

(b) Made under pension or annuity plan provisions in existence on March 12, 1962, which were applicable to the services referred to in (a) of this subdivision on that date,

the amount of employer contributions so identified shall be considered paid or contributed by the employee.

(ii) Alternative rule for unidentifiable contributions. If employer contributions may not be identified in the manner described in subdivision (i) of this subparagraph, the amount of employer contributions attributable to foreign services performed before January 1, 1963, and considered paid or contributed by the employee shall be determined on the basis of an estimated allocation which is reasonable and consistent with the circumstances and the provisions of the pension or annuity plan under which such contributions are made. For example, if an employee's benefits under a pension or annuity plan, which is unchanged after March 12, 1962, are determined with respect to his basic compensation during his entire period of credited service, the amount of employer contributions considered paid or contributed by the employee shall be an amount which bears the same ratio to total employer contributions for such employee under the pension or annuity plan as his basic compensation attributable to foreign services performed before January 1, 1963, with respect to which he qualified for the benefits of section 911(a) (or corresponding provisions of prior revenue laws) bears to his total basic compensation. On the other hand, if an employee's benefits under a pension or annuity plan, which is unchanged after March 12, 1962, are determined with respect to his basic compensation during his final five years of credited service, the amount of employer contributions considered paid or contributed by the employee shall be an amount which bears the same ratio to total employer contributions for such employee as his number of years of credited service before January 1, 1963, with respect to which he qualified for the benefits of section 911(a) (or corresponding provisions of prior revenue laws) bears to his total number of years of credited service.

(5) Amounts not includible in gross income of employee under subtitle A of the Code or prior income tax laws. Amounts contributed by an employer which were not includible in the gross income of the employee under Subtitle A of the Code or prior income tax laws, but which would have been includible therein had they been paid directly to the employee, do not constitute consideration paid or contributed by the employee for the purposes of section 72. For example, contributions made by an employer under a qualified employees' trust or plan, which contributions would have been includible in the gross income of the employee had such contributions been paid to him directly as compensation, do not constitute consideration paid or contributed by the employee. Accordingly, the aggregate amount of premiums or other consideration paid or contributed by an employee, insofar as compensatory employer contributions are concerned, consists solely of the (i) sum of all amounts actually contributed by the employee, plus (ii) contributions in the nature of compensation which are deemed to be paid or contributed by the employee under this paragraph.

(b) Contributions in the nature of death benefits. In the case of an employee's beneficiary, the aggregate amount of premiums or other consideration paid or deemed to be paid or contributed by the employee shall also include:

(1) Amounts (other than amounts paid as an annuity) to the extent such amounts are excludable from the beneficiary's gross income as a death benefit under section 101(b), and

(2) Any amount or amounts of death benefits which are treated as additional consideration contributed by the employee under section 101(b)(2)(D) and the regulations thereunder, or which were excludable from the beneficiary's gross income as a death benefit under section 22(b)(1)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939 and the regulations thereunder.

Accordingly, in the case of an employee's beneficiary, any such amount shall be added to any amount or amounts deemed paid or contributed by the employee under paragraph (a)(1) of this section and to any amounts actually contributed by the employee for the purpose of finding the aggregate amount of premiums or other consideration paid or contributed by the employee.

(c) Amounts “made available” to an employee or his beneficiary. Any amount which, although not actually paid, is made available to and includable in the gross income of an employee or his beneficiary under the rules of sections 402 and 403 and the regulations thereunder, shall be considered an amount contributed by the employee and shall be aggregated with amounts, if any, to which paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section apply for the purpose of determining the aggregate amount of premiums or other consideration paid by the employee.

(d) Amounts includable in gross income of employee when his rights under annuity contract change to nonforfeitable rights. Any amount which, by reason of section 403(d) and after the application of paragraph (b) of § 1.403 (b)-1, is required to be included in an employee's gross income for the year when his rights under an annuity contract change from forfeitable to nonforfeitable rights shall be considered an amount contributed by the employee and shall be aggregated with amounts, if any, to which paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section apply for the purpose of determining the aggregate amount of premiums or other consideration paid or contributed by the employee for such annuity contract. In other words, if, under section 403(d), an employee of an organization exempt from tax under section 501(a) or 521(a) is required to include an amount in gross income by reason of his rights under an annuity contract changing from forfeitable to nonforfeitable rights, such amount, to the extent it is not excludable from gross income under paragraph (b) of § 1.403 (b)-1, shall be considered an amount contributed by such employee for the annuity contract.

[T.D. 6500, 25 FR 11402, Nov. 26, 1960, as amended by T.D. 6665, 28 FR 7245, July 16, 1963; T.D. 6783, 29 FR 18356, Dec. 24, 1964]