27 CFR § 1.82 - Acquiring or receiving distilled spirits in bulk for redistillation, processing, rectification, warehousing, or warehousing and bottling.

§ 1.82 Acquiring or receiving distilled spirits in bulk for redistillation, processing, rectification, warehousing, or warehousing and bottling.

(a) Proprietors of distilled spirits plants. Persons holding basic permits (issued under subpart B of this part) authorizing the distilling, processing, rectifying, or warehousing and bottling of distilled spirits, or operating permits (issued under § 19.91 and succeeding sections of this chapter) may acquire or receive in bulk and redistill, warehouse, or process distilled spirits, so far as permitted by law.

(b) Proprietors of class 8 customs bonded warehouses. If the permittee operates a class 8 customs bonded warehouse, the permittee may acquire or receive in bulk, and warehouse and bottle, imported distilled spirits, so far as permitted by the customs laws.

(26 U.S.C. 7805 (68A Stat. 917, as amended); 27 U.S.C. 205 (49 Stat. 981, as amended))
[T.D. ATF-373, 61 FR 26098, May 24, 1996, as amended by T.D. TTB-92, 76 FR 9090, Feb. 16, 2011]