28 CFR § 0.11 - Incentive Awards Board.

§ 0.11 Incentive Awards Board.

The Incentive Awards Board shall consist of the Deputy Attorney General or a designee of the Deputy Attorney General, who shall be the chairperson, and four members designated by the Attorney General from among the Assistant Attorneys General, bureau heads or persons of equivalent rank in the Department. The duties of the Board shall be:

(a) Consider and make recommendations to the Attorney General concerning honorary awards and cash awards in excess of $7,500 to be granted for suggestions, inventions, superior accomplishment, or other personal effort which contributes to the efficiency, economy, or other improvement of Government operations or achieves a significant reduction in paperwork.

(b) Consider and make recommendations to the Attorney General for transmittal to the Office of Personnel Management and the President for Presidential awards under 5 U.S.C. 4504 and 5403.

(c) Evaluate periodically the effectiveness of the employee recognition program and recommend needed improvements to the Attorney General.

[Order No. 960-81, 46 FR 52340, Oct. 27, 1981, as amended by Order No. 2949-2008, 73 FR 8815, Feb. 15, 2008]