28 CFR § 0.111B - Witness Security Program.

§ 0.111B Witness Security Program.

(a) In connection with the protection of a witness, a potential witness, or an immediate family member or close associate of a witness or potential witness, the Director of the United States Marshals Service and officers of the United States Marshals Service designated by the Director may:

(1) Provide suitable documents to enable the person to establish a new identity or otherwise protect the person;

(2) Provide housing for the person;

(3) Provide for the transportation of household furniture and other personal property to a new residence of the person;

(4) Provide to the person a payment to meet basic living expenses in a sum established in accordance with regulations issued by the Director, for such time as the Attorney General determines to be warranted;

(5) Assist the person in obtaining employment;

(6) Provide other services necessary to assist the person in becoming self-sustaining;

(7) Protect the confidentiality of the identify and location of persons subject to registration requirements as convicted offenders under Federal or State law, including prescribing alternative procedures to those otherwise provided by Federal or State law for registration and tracking of such persons; and

(8) Exempt procurement for services, materials, and supplies, and the renovation and construction of safe sites within existing buildings from other provision of law as may be required to maintain the security of protective witnesses and the integrity of the Witness Security Program.

(b) The identity or location or any other information concerning a person receiving protection under 18 U.S.C. 3521 et seq., or any other matter concerning the person or the Program, shall not be disclosed except at the direction of the Attorney General, the Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Criminal Division, or the Director of the Witness Security Program. However, upon request of State or local law enforcement officials, the Director shall, without undue delay, disclose to such officials the identity, location, criminal records, and fingerprints relating to the person relocated or protected when the Director knows or the request indicates that the person is under investigation for or has been arrested for or charged with an offense that is punishable by more than one year in prison or that is a crime of violence.

[Order No. 2511-2001, 66 FR 47383, Sept. 12, 2001]