28 CFR § 810.2 - Accountability contract.

§ 810.2 Accountability contract.

(a) Your CSO will instruct you to acknowledge your responsibilities and obligations of being under supervision (whether through probation, parole, or supervised release as granted by the releasing authority) by agreeing to an accountability contract with CSOSA.

(b) The CSO is responsible for monitoring your compliance with the conditions of supervision. The accountability contract identifies the following specific activities constituting substance abuse or non-criminal violations of your conditions of supervision.

(1) Substance abuse violations.

(i) Positive drug test.

(ii) Failure to report for drug testing.

(iii) Failure to appear for treatment sessions.

(iv) Failure to complete inpatient/outpatient treatment programming.

(2) Non-criminal violations.

(i) Failure to report to the CSO.

(ii) Leaving the judicial district without the permission of the court or the CSO.

(iii) Failure to work regularly or attend training and/or school.

(iv) Failure to notify the CSO of change of address and/or employment.

(v) Frequenting places where controlled substances are illegally sold, used, distributed, or administered.

(vi) Associating with persons engaged in criminal activity.

(vii) Associating with a person convicted of a felony without the permission of the CSO.

(viii) Failure to notify the CSO within 48 hours of being arrested or questioned by a law enforcement officer.

(ix) Entering into an agreement to act as an informer or special agent of a law enforcement agency without the permission of the Court or the United States Parole Commission (“USPC”).

(x) Failure to adhere to any general or special condition of release.

(c) The accountability contract will identify a schedule of administrative sanctions (see § 810.3(b)) which may be imposed for your first violation and for subsequent violations.

(d) The accountability contract will provide for a reduction in your supervision level and/or the removal of previously imposed sanctions if:

(1) You maintain compliance for at least ninety days,

(2) The Supervisory Community Supervision Officer concurs with this assessment, and

(3) There are no additional reasons unrelated to the imposed sanction requiring the higher supervision level.