28 CFR § 90.35 - Conditions for waiver of annual maximum.

§ 90.35 Conditions for waiver of annual maximum.

(a) If participating Tribes incur eligible expenses in excess of their annual maximum allowable reimbursement, they may request a waiver of the annual maximum at the end of the calendar year. Requests for a waiver must include the summary of eligible expenses required by section 90.34 that shows how the maximum allowable reimbursement funds were spent and an additional summary of eligible expenses that identifies actual expenditures eligible for reimbursement in excess of the maximum, including dollar amounts for each expenditure and how they were calculated. Participating Tribes are not required to provide documentation at the end of the calendar year when they submit their waiver request but must keep documentation on file to support each claimed expense. Such documentation must be sufficient to meet the standards that 2 CFR part 200 provides for grants.

(b) Waivers will be calculated at the end of the calendar year based on available funds. If there are not sufficient funds available to reimburse the total eligible expenses requested by all participating Tribes, each Tribe will get the same percentage of their additional costs met. This percentage will be calculated by comparing the funds available and the total amount requested for waivers.