29 CFR § 2.33 - Responsibilities of DOL, DOL social service providers, and State and local governments administering DOL support.

§ 2.33 Responsibilities of DOL, DOL social service providers, and State and local governments administering DOL support.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 15716, Mar. 4, 2024.

(a) Any organization that participates in a program funded by Federal financial assistance shall not, in providing services supported in whole or in part with Federal financial assistance, or in conducting outreach activities related to such services, discriminate against a current or prospective program beneficiary on the basis of religion, a religious belief, a refusal to hold a religious belief, or a refusal to attend or participate in a religious practice. However, an organization that participates in a program funded by indirect Federal financial assistance need not modify its program activities to accommodate a beneficiary who chooses to expend the indirect aid on the organization's program. This requirement does not preclude DOL, DOL social service intermediary providers, or State or local governments administering DOL support from accommodating religion in a manner consistent with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution.


(1) Organizations that receive direct Federal financial assistance may not engage in explicitly religious activities (including activities that involve overt religious content such as worship, religious instruction, or proselytization) as part of the programs or services funded with direct Federal financial assistance. If an organization conducts such explicitly religious activities, the activities must be offered separately, in time or location, from the programs or services funded with direct Federal financial assistance, and participation must be voluntary for beneficiaries of the programs and services funded with such assistance.

(2) This regulation is not intended to and does not restrict the exercise of rights or duties guaranteed by the Constitution. For example, program officials must not impermissibly restrict the ability of program beneficiaries or DOL social service providers to freely express their views and to exercise their right to religious freedom. Additionally, subject to reasonable and permissible time, place and manner restrictions, residential facilities that receive DOL support must permit residents to engage in voluntary religious activities, including holding religious services, at these facilities.

(3) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this section, and to the extent otherwise permitted by Federal law (including constitutional requirements), direct DOL support may be used to support explicitly religious activities (including activities that involve overt religious content such as worship, religious instruction, or proselytization), and such activities need not be provided separately in time or location from other DOL-supported activities, under the following circumstances:

(i) Where DOL support is provided to chaplains to work with inmates in prisons, detention facilities, or community correction centers through social service programs;

(ii) Where DOL support is provided to social service programs in prisons, detention facilities, or community correction centers, in which social service organizations assist chaplains in carrying out their duties; or

(iii) Where DOL-supported social service programs involve such a degree of government control over the program environment that religious exercise would be significantly burdened absent affirmative steps by DOL or its social service providers.

(c) If a DOL social service intermediary provider, acting under a contract, grant, or other agreement with the Federal Government or with a State or local government that is administering a program supported by Federal financial assistance, is given the authority under the contract, grant, or agreement to select non-governmental organizations to provide services funded by the Federal Government, the DOL social service intermediary provider must ensure the recipient's compliance with the provisions of Executive Order 13279, as amended by Executive Order 13559, and any implementing rules or guidance. If the DOL social service intermediary provider is a non-governmental organization, it retains all other rights of a non-governmental organization under the program's statutory and regulatory provisions.

[69 FR 41891, July 12, 2004, as amended at 81 FR 19421, Apr. 4, 2016; 85 FR 82141, Dec. 17, 2020; 89 FR 15716, Mar. 4, 2024]