29 CFR § 2203.2 - Definitions.

§ 2203.2 Definitions.

For the purposes of this part:

Expedited closing procedure means the simplified procedures described at 5 U.S.C. 552b(d)(4) for announcing and closing certain agency meetings.

General Counsel means the General Counsel of the Commission, or any other person designated by the General Counsel to carry out his responsibilities under this part.

Meeting means the deliberations of at least two Commissioners, where such deliberations determine or result in the joint conduct or disposition of “official Commission business.” A conference telephone call among the Commissioners is a meeting if it otherwise qualifies as a meeting under this paragraph. The term does not include:

(a) The deliberations required or permitted under §§ 2203.4(d) and 2203.5, e.g., a discussion of whether to open or close a meeting under this part;

(b) Business that is conducted by circulating written materials sequentially among the Commissioners for their consideration on an individual basis;

(c) A gathering at which the Chairman of the Commission seeks the advice of the other Commissioners on the carrying out of a function that has been vested in the Chairman, by statute or otherwise; or

(d) Informal discussions of the Commissioners that clarify issues and expose varying views but do not effectively predetermine official actions.

Official Commission business means matters that are the responsibility of the Commission acting as a collegial body, including the adjudication of litigated cases. The term does not include matters that are the responsibility of the Commission's Chairman. See, e.g., 29 U.S.C. 661(e).

Regularly-scheduled meetings means meetings of the Commission that are held at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday of each week, except on legal holidays. The term includes regularly-scheduled meetings that have been rescheduled for another time or day.

[50 FR 51679, Dec. 19, 1985, as amended at 73 FR 56492, Sept. 29, 2008; 74 FR 63988, Dec. 7, 2009]