30 CFR § 1229.104 - Terms of delegation of authority.

§ 1229.104 Terms of delegation of authority.

Each delegation of authority under this part shall be in writing, shall incorporate all the requirements of this part, and shall specifically include:

(a) Terms obligating the State to conduct audit and investigative activities for a specific period of time;

(b) Terms describing the authorities and responsibilities reserved by the ONRR, including, but not limited to, those specified under § 1229.100;

(c) Terms requiring the State to provide annual audit workplans to include the lease universe by company, or by individual lease accounts, a description of the audit work product(s) to be delivered, and the State resources (staff and otherwise) to be committed to the delegation;

(d) Terms requiring the State to notify the ONRR of any changed circumstances which would affect the State's ability to carry out the terms of the delegation;

(e) Terms requiring coordination of delegated activities among the State, the ONRR, and the land management agencies responsible for management of the leases included in the audit universe;

(f) Terms requiring the State to maintain and make available to the ONRR all audit workpapers, documents, and information gained or developed as a consequence of activities conducted under the delegation;

(g) Terms obligating the State to adhere to all Federal laws, rules and regulations, and Secretarial determinations and orders relating to the calculation, reporting, and payment of oil and gas royalties, in all activities performed under the delegation.

[49 FR 40026, Oct. 12, 1984]