30 CFR § 1229.125 - Preparation and issuance of enforcement documents.

§ 1229.125 Preparation and issuance of enforcement documents.

(a) Determinations of additional royalties due resulting from audit activities conducted under a delegation of authority must be formally communicated by the State, to the companies or other payors by an issue letter prior to any enforcement action. The issue letter will serve to ensure that all audit findings are accurate and complete by obtaining advance comments from officials of the companies or payors audited. Issue letters must be prepared in a format specified by the ONRR, and transmitted to the company or payor. The company or payor shall be given 30 days from receipt of the letter to respond to the State on the findings contained in the letter.

(b) After evaluating the company or payor's response to the issue letter, the State shall draft a demand letter which will be submitted with supporting workpaper files to the ONRR for appropriate enforcement action. Any substantive revisions to the demand letter will be discussed with the State prior to issuance of the letter. Copies of all enforcement action documents shall be provided to the State by ONRR upon their issuance to the company or payor.