30 CFR § 402.10 - Research-project applications.

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§ 402.10 Research-project applications.

(a) Only those applications for grants that are in response to and meet the guidelines of specific USGS announcements will be considered for funding appropriated for this program.

(b) The USGS program announcements will identify priorities, matching requirements, particular areas of interest, criteria for evaluation, OMB regulations as appropriate, assurances, closing date, and proposal submittal instructions. Program announcements may also include criteria for high-priority subjects of a basic nature that may be funded on other than a dollar-for-dollar basis. Program announcements will be distributed to names on the current USGS mailing list for the Water-Resources Research Program announcements, including new requests received in response to published notices of upcoming program announcements.

(c) Notification of the availability of the program announcement will be published in the Commerce Business Daily and/or Federal Register.

(d) The application for funds must be signed by an individual or official authorized to commit the applicant and it must contain:

(1) A Standard Form 424 “Federal Assistance,” sections I and II completed by applicant, used as the cover sheet for each proposal.

(2) A project summary of no more than one typed, single-spaced page providing the following specific information:

(i) Identification of the water or water-related problems and the problem-solution approach;

(ii) Identification of the proposed scientific contribution of the problem solution;

(iii) Concise statement of the specific objectives of the project;

(iv) Identification of the approach to be used to accomplish the work; and

(v) Identification of potential users of the proposed work.

(3) Narrative information, as specified in the published program announcement, such as project title, project objectives, background information, research tasks, methodology to conduct the research task, the relevancy of the proposed project to water-resources problems, qualifications of the principal investigators and their organizations, and proposed budget with supporting information sufficient to allow evaluation of costs.