30 CFR § 550.102 - What does this part do?

§ 550.102 What does this part do?

(a) This part contains the regulations of the BOEM Offshore program that govern oil, gas, and sulfur exploration, development, and production operations on the OCS. When you conduct operations on the OCS, you must submit requests, applications, and notices, or provide supplemental information for BOEM approval.

(b) The following table of general references shows where to look for information about these processes.

Table—Where To Find Information for Conducting Operations

For information about Refer to
(1) Applications for permit to drill 30 CFR 250, subpart D.
(2) Development and Production Plans (DPP) 30 CFR 550, subpart B.
(3) Downhole commingling 30 CFR 250, subpart K.
(4) Exploration Plans (EP) 30 CFR 550, subpart B.
(5) Flaring 30 CFR 250, subpart K.
(6) Gas measurement 30 CFR 250, subpart L.
(7) Off-lease geological and geophysical permits 30 CFR 551.
(8) Oil spill financial responsibility coverage 30 CFR 553.
(9) Oil and gas production safety systems 30 CFR 250, subpart H.
(10) Oil spill response plans 30 CFR 254.
(11) Oil and gas well-completion operations 30 CFR 250, subpart E.
(12) Oil and gas well-workover operations 30 CFR 250, subpart F.
(13) Decommissioning Activities 30 CFR 250, subpart Q.
(14) Platforms and structures 30 CFR 250, subpart I.
(15) Pipelines and Pipeline Rights-of-Way 30 CFR 250, subpart J and 30 CFR 550, subpart J.
(16) Sulfur operations 30 CFR 250, subpart P.
(17) Training 30 CFR 250, subpart O.
(18) Unitization 30 CFR 250, subpart M.
[76 FR 64623, Oct. 18, 2011, as amended at 89 FR 31585, Apr. 24, 2024]