30 CFR § 550.208 - If I conduct ancillary activities, what notices must I provide?

§ 550.208 If I conduct ancillary activities, what notices must I provide?

At least 30 calendar days before you conduct any G&G exploration or development G&G activity (see § 550.207(a)), you must notify the Regional Supervisor in writing.

(a) When you prepare the notice, you must:

(1) Sign and date the notice;

(2) Provide the names of the vessel, its operator, and the person(s) in charge; the specific type(s) of operations you will conduct; and the instrumentation/techniques and vessel navigation system you will use;

(3) Provide expected start and completion dates and the location of the activity; and

(4) Describe the potential adverse environmental effects of the proposed activity and any mitigation to eliminate or minimize these effects on the marine, coastal, and human environment.

(b) The Regional Supervisor may require you to:

(1) Give written notice to BOEM at least 15 calendar days before you conduct any other ancillary activity (see § 550.207(b) and (c)) in addition to those listed in § 550.207(a); and

(2) Notify other users of the OCS before you conduct any ancillary activity.