30 CFR § 7.82 - Definitions.

§ 7.82 Definitions.

In addition to subpart A definitions of this part, the following definitions apply in this subpart.

Brake Power. The observed power measured at the crankshaft or its equivalent when the engine is equipped only with standard auxiliaries necessary for its operation on the test bed.

Category A engines. Diesel engines intended for use in areas of underground coal mines where permissible electric equipment is required.

Category B engines. Diesel engines intended for use in areas of underground coal mines where nonpermissible electric equipment is allowed.

Corrosion-resistant material. Material that has at least the corrosion-resistant properties of type 304 stainless steel.

Diesel engine. Any compression ignition internal combustion engine using the basic diesel cycle where combustion results from the spraying of fuel into air heated by compression.

Exhaust emission. Any substance emitted to the atmosphere from the exhaust port of the combustion chamber of a diesel engine.

Intermediate speed. Maximum torque speed if it occurs between 60 percent and 75 percent of rated speed. If the maximum torque speed is less than 60 percent of rated speed, then the intermediate speed shall be 60 percent of the rated speed. If the maximum torque speed is greater than 75 percent of the rated speed, then the intermediate speed shall be 75 percent of rated speed.

Low idle speed. The minimum no load speed as specified by the engine manufacturer.

Maximum torque speed. The speed at which an engine develops maximum torque.

Operational range. All speed and load (including percent loads) combinations from the rated speed to the minimum permitted engine speed at full load as specified by the engine manufacturer.

Particulates. Any material collected on a specified filter medium after diluting exhaust gases with clean, filtered air at a temperature of less than or equal to 125 °F (52 °C), as measured at a point immediately upstream of the primary filter. This is primarily carbon, condensed hydrocarbons, sulfates, and associated water.

Percent load. The fraction of the maximum available torque at an engine speed.

Rated horsepower. The nominal brake power output of a diesel engine as specified by the engine manufacturer with a specified production tolerance. For laboratory test purposes, the fuel pump calibration for the rated horsepower must be set between the nominal and the maximum fuel tolerance specification.

Rated speed. Speed at which the rated power is delivered, as specified by the engine manufacturer.

Steady-state condition. Diesel engine operating condition which is at a constant speed and load and at stabilized temperatures and pressures.

Total oxides of nitrogen. The sum total of the measured parts per millions (ppm) of nitric oxide (NO) plus the measured ppm of nitrogen dioxide (NO2).