30 CFR § 75.372 - Mine ventilation map.

§ 75.372 Mine ventilation map.


(1) At intervals not exceeding 12 months, the operator shall submit to the district manager 3 copies of an up-to-date map of the mine drawn to a scale of not less than 100 nor more than 500 feet to the inch. A registered engineer or a registered surveyor shall certify that the map is accurate.

(2) In addition to the informational requirements of this section the map may also be used to depict and explain plan contents that are required in § 75.371. Information shown on the map to satisfy the requirements of § 75.371 shall be subject to approval by the district manager.

(b) The map shall contain the following information:

(1) The mine name, company name, mine identification number, a legend identifying the scale of the map and symbols used, and the name of the individual responsible for the information on the map.

(2) All areas of the mine, including sealed and unsealed worked-out areas.

(3) All known mine workings that are located in the same coalbed within 1,000 feet of existing or projected workings. These workings may be shown on a mine map with a scale other than that required by paragraph (a) of this section, if the scale does not exceed 2,000 feet to the inch and is specified on the map.

(4) The locations of all known mine workings underlying and overlying the mine property and the distance between the mine workings.

(5) The locations of all known oil and gas wells and all known drill holes that penetrate the coalbed being mined.

(6) The locations of all main mine fans, installed backup fans and motors, and each fan's specifications, including size, type, model number, manufacturer, operating pressure, motor horsepower, and revolutions per minute.

(7) The locations of all surface mine openings and the direction and quantity of air at each opening.

(8) The elevation at the top and bottom of each shaft and slope, and shaft and slope dimensions, including depth and length.

(9) The direction of air flow in all underground areas of the mine.

(10) The locations of all active working sections and the four-digit identification number for each mechanized mining unit (MMU).

(11) The location of all escapeways and refuge alternatives.

(12) The locations of all ventilation controls, including permanent stoppings, overcasts, undercasts, regulators, seals, airlock doors, haulageway doors and other doors, except temporary ventilation controls on working sections.

(13) The direction and quantity of air—

(i) Entering and leaving each split;

(ii) In the last open crosscut of each set of entries and rooms; and

(iii) At the intake end of each pillar line, including any longwall or shortwall.

(14) Projections for at least 12 months of anticipated mine development, proposed ventilation controls, proposed bleeder systems, and the anticipated location of intake and return air courses, belt entries, and escapeways.

(15) The locations of existing methane drainage systems.

(16) The locations and type of all AMS sensors required by subpart D of this part.

(17) Contour lines that pass through whole number elevations of the coalbed being mined. These lines shall be spaced at 10-foot elevation levels unless a wider spacing is permitted by the district manager.

(18) The location of proposed seals for each worked-out area.

(19) The entry height, velocity and direction of the air current at or near the midpoint of each belt flight where the height and width of the entry are representative of the belt haulage entry.

(20) The location and designation of air courses that have been redesignated from intake to return for the purpose of ventilation of structures, areas or installations that are required by this subpart D to be ventilated to return air courses, and for ventilation of seals.

(c) The mine map required by § 75.1200 may be used to satisfy the requirements for the ventilation map, provided that all the information required by this section is contained on the map.

[61 FR 9829, Mar. 11, 1996, as amended at 69 FR 17530, Apr. 2, 2004; 73 FR 80697, Dec. 31, 2008]