31 CFR § 306.27 - Redemption of bearer securities at maturity, upon prior call, or for advance refunding or prerefunding.

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§ 306.27 Redemption of bearer securities at maturity, upon prior call, or for advance refunding or prerefunding.

All interest coupons due and payable on or before the date of maturity or date fixed in the call for redemption before maturity should be detached from coupon securities presented for redemption and should be collected separately in regular course. All coupons bearing dates subsequent to the date fixed in a call for redemption, or offer of prerefunding or advance refunding, should be left attached to the securities. If any such coupons are missing, the full face amount thereof will be deducted from the payment to be made upon redemption or the prerefunding or advance refunding adjustment unless satisfactory evidence of their destruction is submitted. Any amounts so deducted will be held in the Department to provide for adjustments or refunds in the event it should be determined that the missing coupons were subsequently presented or their destruction is later satisfactorily established. In the absence of other instructions, payment or bearer securities will be made by check drawn to the order of the person presenting and surrendering the securities and mailed to him at his address, as given in the advice accompanying the securities. (Form PD 3905 may be used.) Under appropriate circumstances, payment to a financial institution for detached past due coupons may be made by crediting the amount of the proceeds to the account maintained by the financial institution at the Federal Reserve bank of its district.

[38 FR 7078, Mar. 15, 1973, as amended at 64 FR 38126, July 15, 1999]