31 CFR § 357.23 - Judicial proceedings—sovereign immunity.

§ 357.23 Judicial proceedings—sovereign immunity.

(a) Department and Federal Reserve Banks not proper parties. The Department and the Federal Reserve Banks are not proper defendants in a judicial proceeding involving competing claims to a security held in Legacy Treasury Direct ® nor are they subject to any injunction or restraining order issued with respect to a security. The Department will not recognize a notice of a pending or contemplated judicial or administrative proceeding affecting a security in Legacy Treasury Direct.

(b) Orders—(1) Ownership rights. The Department will recognize a final order entered by a court that affects ownership rights in a security in Legacy Treasury Direct if:

(i) The order is consistent with the provisions of this subpart and the terms and conditions of the security; and

(ii) The Department has received evidence of the order, as provided in paragraph (c) of this section.

(2) Transaction request. The Department will honor a transaction request submitted by a person appointed by a court and having authority under an order of a court to dispose of the security or payment with respect thereto if:

(i) The ordered disposition of the security or payments with respect thereto is consistent with the provisions of this subpart and the terms and conditions of the security; and

(ii) The Department has received evidence of the appointment and order, as provided in paragraph (c) of this section.

(c) Evidence required. Before the Department will recognize an order or determination entered by a court, the Department must have received a certified copy of the judgment, decree, or order and any additional documents deemed necessary by the Department. A certificate from the clerk of the court, bearing the seal of the court, must also be submitted stating that the judgment, decree, or order is still in full force and has not been stayed or appealed, and that the time for filing an appeal has passed. Before the Department will honor a transaction request submitted by a person appointed by a court, the Department must receive a certified copy of the order making the appointment and describing specifically the person's authority, and any additional documents deemed necessary by the Department.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1535-0068)