32 CFR § 2001.54 - Foreign government information.

§ 2001.54 Foreign government information.

The requirements described below are additional baseline safeguarding standards that may be necessary for foreign government information, other than NATO information, that requires protection pursuant to an existing treaty, agreement, bilateral exchange or other obligation. NATO classified information shall be safeguarded in compliance with USSAN 1-07. To the extent practical, and to facilitate its control, foreign government information should be stored separately from other classified information. To avoid additional costs, separate storage may be accomplished by methods such as separate drawers of a container. The safeguarding standards described in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section may be modified if required or permitted by treaties or agreements, or for other obligations, with the prior written consent of the National Security Authority of the originating government, hereafter “originating government.”

(a) Top Secret. Records shall be maintained of the receipt, internal distribution, destruction, access, reproduction, and transmittal of foreign government Top Secret information. Reproduction requires the consent of the originating government. Destruction will be witnessed.

(b) Secret. Records shall be maintained of the receipt, external dispatch and destruction of foreign government Secret information. Other records may be necessary if required by the originator. Secret foreign government information may be reproduced to meet mission requirements unless prohibited by the originator. Reproduction shall be recorded unless this requirement is waived by the originator.

(c) Confidential. Records need not be maintained for foreign government Confidential information unless required by the originator.

(d) Restricted and other foreign government information provided in confidence. In order to assure the protection of other foreign government information provided in confidence (e.g., foreign government “Restricted,” “Designated,” or unclassified provided in confidence), such information must be classified under the Order. The receiving agency, or a receiving U.S. contractor, licensee, grantee, or certificate holder acting in accordance with instructions received from the U.S. Government, shall provide a degree of protection to the foreign government information at least equivalent to that required by the government or international organization that provided the information. When adequate to achieve equivalency, these standards may be less restrictive than the safeguarding standards that ordinarily apply to U.S. Confidential information. If the foreign protection requirement is lower than the protection required for U.S. Confidential information, the following requirements shall be met:

(1) Documents may retain their original foreign markings if the responsible agency determines that these markings are adequate to meet the purposes served by U.S. classification markings. Otherwise, documents shall be marked, “This document contains (insert name of country) (insert classification level) information to be treated as U.S. (insert classification level).” The notation, “Modified Handling Authorized,” may be added to either the foreign or U.S. markings authorized for foreign government information. If remarking foreign originated documents or matter is impractical, an approved cover sheet is an authorized option;

(2) Documents shall be provided only to persons in accordance with sections 4.1(a) and (h) of the Order;

(3) Individuals being given access shall be notified of applicable handling instructions. This may be accomplished by a briefing, written instructions, or by applying specific handling requirements to an approved cover sheet;

(4) Documents shall be stored in such a manner so as to prevent unauthorized access;

(5) Documents shall be transmitted in a method approved for classified information, unless this method is waived by the originating government.

(e) Third-country transfers. The release or disclosure of foreign government information to any third-country entity must have the prior consent of the originating government if required by a treaty, agreement, bilateral exchange, or other obligation.