32 CFR § 855.14 - Unauthorized landings.

§ 855.14 Unauthorized landings.

(a) Unauthorized landing procedures. The installation commander or a designated representative will identify an unauthorized landing as either an emergency landing, an inadvertent landing, or an intentional landing. An unauthorized landing may be designated as inadvertent or intentional whether or not the operator has knowledge of the provisions of this part, and whether or not the operator filed a flight plan identifying the installation as a destination. Aircraft must depart the installation as soon as practical. On all unauthorized landings, the installation commander or a designated representative:

(1) Informs the operator of subpart B procedures and the requirement for notifying the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as specified in section 6 of the FAA Airman's Information Manual.

(2) Notifies the Federal Aviation Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) by telephone or telefax, followed by written notification using FAA Form 8020-9, 8020-11, or 8020-17, as appropriate. A copy of the written notification must be provided to HQ USAF/XOOBC.

(3) Ensures the operator completes a DD Form 2402, and collects applicable charges. (In some instances, it may be necessary to arrange to bill the user for the appropriate charges.) DD Form 2402 need not be completed for commercial carriers if it is known that the form is already on file at HQ USAF/XOOBC.

(4) In a foreign country, notifies the local US Defense Attache Office (USDAO) by telephone or telefax and, where applicable, the appropriate USDAO in the country of aircraft registry, followed by written notification with an information copy to HQ USAF/XOOBC and the civil aviation authority of the country or countries concerned.

(b) Emergency landings. Any aircraft operator who experiences an inflight emergency may land at any Air Force airfield without prior authorization (approved DD Form 2401 and 24 hours prior notice). An inflight emergency is defined as a situation that makes continued flight hazardous.

(1) The Air Force will use any method or means to clear an aircraft or wreckage from the runway to preclude interference with essential military operations after coordinating with the FSDO and National Transportation Safety Board. Removal efforts will minimize damage to the aircraft or wreckage; however, military or other operational factors may be overriding.

(2) An operator making an emergency landing:

(i) Is not charged a landing fee.

(ii) Pays all costs for labor, material, parts, use of equipment and tools, and so forth, to include, but not limited to:

(A) Spreading foam on the runway.

(B) Damage to runway, lighting, and navigation aids.

(C) Rescue, crash, and fire control services.

(D) Movement and storage of aircraft.

(E) Performance of minor maintenance.

(F) Fuel or oil (AFM 67-1, vol 1, part three, chapter 1, Air Force Stock Fund and DPSC Assigned Item Procedures 4).

4 See footnote 1 to § 855.6.

(c) Inadvertent unauthorized landings.

(1) The installation commander or a designated representative may determine a landing to be inadvertent if the aircraft operator:

(i) Landed due to flight disorientation.

(ii) Mistook the Air Force airfield for a civil airport.

(2) Normal landing fees must be charged and an unauthorized landing fee may be assessed to compensate the Government for the added time, effort, and risk involved in the inadvertent landing. Only the unauthorized landing fee may be waived by the installation commander or a designated representative if, after interviewing the pilot-in-command and appropriate Government personnel, it is determined that flying safety was not significantly impaired. The pilot-in-command may appeal the imposition of an unauthorized landing fee for an inadvertent landing to the MAJCOM, FOA, or DRU whose decision will be final. A subsequent inadvertent landing will be processed as an intentional unauthorized landing.

(d) Intentional unauthorized landings.

(1) The installation commander may categorize an unauthorized landing as intentional when there is unequivocal evidence that the pilot deliberately:

(i) Landed without an approved DD Form 2401 on board the aircraft.

(ii) Landed for a purpose not approved on the DD Form 2401.

(iii) Operated an aircraft not of a model or registration number on the approved DD Form 2401.

(iv) Did not request or obtain the required final approval from the installation commander or a designated representative at least 24 hours before aircraft arrival.

(v) Did not obtain landing clearance from the air traffic control tower.

(vi) Landed with an expired DD Form 2401.

(vii) Obtained landing authorization through fraudulent methods, or

(viii) Landed after having been denied a request to land from any Air Force authority, including the control tower.

(2) Normal landing fees and an unauthorized landing fee must be charged. Intentional unauthorized landings increase reporting, processing, and staffing costs; therefore, the unauthorized landing fee for paragraph (d)(1)(i) through (d)(1)(vi) of this section will be increased by 100 percent. The unauthorized landing fee will be increased 200 percent for paragraph (d)(1)(vii) and (d)(1)(viii) of this section.

(3) Intentional unauthorized landings may be prosecuted as a criminal trespass, especially if a debarment letter has been issued. Repeated intentional unauthorized landings prejudice the user's FAA operating authority and jeopardize future use of Air Force airfields.