32 CFR Appendix A to Part 631 - Appendix A to Part 631—Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board Procedures Guide

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Appendix A to Part 631—Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board Procedures Guide

A-1. Purpose. This guide prescribes procedures for the establishment, operation, and coordination of AFDCBs. AFDCB proceedings are not adversarial in nature.

A-2. Meetings.

a. The board will meet quarterly. The commander establishing the AFDCB may specify whether the meetings will be open or closed. If not specified, the decision is at the discretion of the president of the board. Normally proceedings are closed, but may be opened to the public when circumstances warrant.

b. Special meetings may be called by the president of the board. Except by unanimous consent of members present, final action will be taken only on the business for which the meeting was called.

c. A majority of voting members constitutes a quorum for board proceedings.

A-3. AFDCB composition. Voting members will be selected per section 631.7.

A-4. Attendance of observers or witnesses.

a. The board may invite individual persons or organization representatives as witnesses or observers if they are necessary or appropriate for the conduct of board proceedings. The below listed authorities may assist in addressing installation or command concerns or issues.

(1) Federal, State, and local judicial, legislative, and law enforcement officials.

(2) Housing part and enforcement authorities.

(3) Health, and social service authorities.

(4) Environmental protection authorities.

(5) Alcoholic beverage control authorities.

(6) Equal employment opportunity authorities.

(7) Consumer affairs advocates.

(8) Chamber of Commerce representatives.

(9) Public works or utility authorities.

(10) Local fire marshal, and public safety authorities.

(11) State and local school board or education officials.

(12) Any other representation deemed appropriate by the sponsoring command such as, news media, union representatives, and so forth.

b. Invited witnesses and observers will be listed in the minutes of the meeting.

A-5. Appropriate areas for board consideration.

a. Boards will study and take appropriate action on all reports of conditions considered detrimental to the good order and discipline, health, morale, welfare, safety, and morals of Armed Forces personnel. These adverse conditions include, but are not limited to, those identified in § 631.9.

b. The board will immediately forward to the local commander reported circumstances involving discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, age, or national origin.

A-6. Off-limit procedures.

a. Off-limits restrictions should be invoked only when there is substantive information indicating that an establishment or area frequented by Armed Forces personnel presents conditions, which adversely affect their health, safety, welfare, morale, or morals. It is essential that boards do not act arbitrarily. Actions must not be of a punitive nature. Boards should work in close cooperation with local officials and proprietors of business establishments, and seek to accomplish their mission through mutually cooperative efforts. Boards should encourage personal visits by local military, and civilian enforcement or health officials to establishments considered below standard. AFDCBs should point out unhealthy conditions or undesirable practices to establishment owners or operators to produce the desired corrective action.

b. In cases involving discrimination, the board should not rely solely on letters written by the Equal Opportunity Office, and Military Affairs Committee or investigations of alleged racial discrimination.

c. If the board decides to attempt to investigate or inspect an establishment, the president or a designee will prepare, and submit a report of findings, and recommendations at the next meeting. This procedure will ensure complete, and documented information concerning questionable adverse conditions.

d. When the board concludes that conditions adverse to Armed Forces personnel do exist, the owner or manager will be sent a letter of notification (Annex A). This letter will advise him or her to raise standards by a specified date, and, if such conditions or practices continue, off-limits proceedings will be initiated. Any correspondence with the individuals responsible for adverse conditions, which may lead to off-limits action, will be by certified mail.

e. If a proprietor takes remedial action to correct undesirable conditions previously noted the board should send a letter of appreciation (Annex B) recognizing this cooperation.

f. If undesirable conditions are not corrected, the proprietor will be invited to appear before the AFDCB to explain why the establishment should not be placed off-limits (Annex C). Any proprietor may designate in writing a representative to appear before the board in his or her behalf.

g. In cases where proprietors have been invited to appear before the board, the president of the board will perform the following—

(1) Prior to calling the proprietor—

(a) Review the findings and decision of the previous meeting.

(b) Call for inspection reports.

(c) Allow those present to ask questions, and discuss the case.

(2) When the proprietor or his or her representative is called before the board—

(a) Present the proprietor with a brief summary of the complaint concerning the establishment.

(b) Afford the proprietor an opportunity to present matters in defense.

(c) Invite those present to question the proprietor. After the questioning period, provide the proprietor an opportunity to make a final statement before being dismissed.

(3) Deliberations on recommended actions will be in closed session, attended only by board members.

h. The board should recommend an off-limits restriction only after the following:

(1) The letter of notification (Annex A) has been sent.

(2) An opportunity for the proprietor to appear before the board has been extended.

(3) Further investigation indicates that improvements have not been made.

i. The minutes will indicate the AFDCB's action in each case. When a recommendation is made to place an establishment off-limits, the minutes will show the procedural steps followed in reaching the decision.

j. Recommendations of the AFDCB will be submitted to the sponsoring commander for consideration. The recommendations will then be forwarded to other installation commanders who are represented on the board (Annex D). If no objection to the recommendations is received within 10 days, the sponsoring commander will approve or disapprove the recommendations and forward the decision to the AFDCB president.

k. Upon approval of the AFDCB's recommendations, the president will write the proprietor that the off-limits restriction has been imposed (Annex E).

l. A time limit should not be specified when an off-limits restriction is revoked. The adequacy of the corrective action taken by the proprietor of the establishment must be the determining factor in removing the off-limits restriction.

m. Military authorities may not post off-limits signs or notices on private property.

n. In emergencies, commanders may temporarily declare establishments or areas off-limits to service members subject to their jurisdiction. The circumstances for the action will be reported as soon as possible to the commander sponsoring the board. Detailed justification for this emergency action will be provided to the board for its deliberations.

o. Appropriate installation commanders will publish a list of off-limits establishments and areas using command and media channels.

A-7. Removal of off-limits restrictions.

a. Removal of an off-limits restriction requires AFDCB action. Proprietors of establishments declared off-limits should be advised that they may appeal to the appropriate AFDCB at any time. In their appeal they should submit the reason why the restriction should be removed. A letter of notification for continuance of the off-limits restriction should be sent to the proprietor if the AFDCB does not remove the off-limits restriction (Annex F). The proprietor may appeal to the next higher commander if not satisfied with continuance after exhausting all appeals at the local sponsoring commander level. Boards should make at least quarterly inspections of off-limits establishments. A statement that an inspection has been completed should be included in AFDCB minutes.

b. When the board learns that the proprietor has taken adequate corrective measures, the AFDCB will take the following actions:

(1) Discuss the matter at the next meeting and make an appropriate recommendation.

(2) Forward a recommendation for removal of the off-limits restriction to the sponsoring commander. If approved, a letter removing the restriction (Annexes G & H) will be sent to the proprietor.

(3) The minutes will reflect action taken.

A-8. Duties of the AFDCB president.

The president of the AFDCB will—

a. Schedule and preside at all AFDCB meetings.

b. Provide an agenda to each voting member at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.

c. Ensure records, minutes, and correspondence are prepared, distributed, and maintained per § 631.10(d).

A-9. Commanders.

The installation commander, and commanders within an AFDCB's area of responsibility must be thoroughly acquainted with the mission and services provided by AFDCBs. AFDCB members should keep their respective commanders informed of command responsibilities pertaining to AFDCB functions and actions.

A-10. Public affairs.

a. Due to the sensitive nature of the subject matter, there will not be a media release in connection with AFDCB meetings. However, any AFDCB proceeding, which is open to the public, will also be open to representatives of the news media. Representatives of the news media will be considered observers, and will not participate in matters considered by the AFDCB. Members of the news media may be invited to participate in an advisory status in coordination with the public affairs office.

b. News media interviews and releases will be handled through the public affairs office according to applicable Service parts.

A-11. Minutes.

a. Minutes will be prepared in accordance with administrative formats for minutes of meetings prescribed by the Service of the sponsoring commander (Annex I). The written minutes of AFDCB meetings will constitute the official record of the AFDCB proceedings. Verbatim transcripts of board meetings are not required. The reasons for approving or removing an off-limits restriction, to include a complete address of the establishment or area involved, should be indicated in the order of business. In addition, the AFDCB's action will be shown in the order or sequence of actions taken. A change in the name of an establishment or areas in an off-limits restriction will also be included.

b. Distribution of the minutes of AFDCB meetings will be limited to the following—

(1) Each voting member, sponsoring command, and commands and installations represented by the board.

(2) Each civilian and military advisory member, if deemed appropriate.

(3) Civilian and Government agencies within the State in which member installations are located having an interest in the functions of the board, if appropriate.

c. AFDCB minutes are subject to release and disclosure in accordance with applicable Service parts and directives.

d. Minutes and recommendations of the board will be forwarded to the sponsoring commander for approval.

Annex A—Letter of Notification
(Appropriate AFDCB)
Dear Sir:

This letter is to inform you that it has come to the attention of the Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) that certain conditions reported at your establishment may adversely affect the (health, safety, or welfare) of members of the Armed Forces.

The AFDCB is initiating action to determine whether your establishment (area) should be placed off-limits to members of the Armed Forces if (cite conditions) are not corrected by (date).

A representative of the AFDCB will visit your establishment to determine if steps have been taken to correct the conditions outlined above.


John J. Smith,
Colonel, U.S. Army, President, Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board.
(Note: Use certified mail, return receipt requested if mailed.)
Annex B—Letter of Appreciation
(Appropriate AFDCB)
Dear Sir:

This is in reference to my letter of (date) concerning the condition(s) reported at your establishment which adversely affected the health and welfare of members of the Armed Forces.

The Board appreciates your action(s) to correct the condition(s) previously noted and does not contemplate further action with respect to this specific matter.

Your continued cooperation is solicited.


John J. Smith,
Colonel, U.S. Army, President, Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board.
Annex C—Letter of Invitation
Dear Sir:

This is in reference to my letter of (date) concerning the condition reported at your establishment which adversely affects the (health, safety, or welfare) of members of the Armed Forces. Information has been received by the board which indicates you have not taken adequate corrective action to eliminate the reported condition.

Reports presented to the Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) indicate (list and describe conditions).

You are advised that the AFDCB will initiate action to determine whether your establishment should be declared off-limits to members of the Armed Forces.

You may appear in person, with or without counsel, before the AFDCB at its next scheduled meeting on (date, time, and place). At that time you will have the opportunity to refute the allegation(s), or to inform the board of any remedial action(s) you have taken or contemplate taking to correct the condition. It is requested that you inform the President, of the AFDCB if you plan to attend.

Any questions regarding this matter may be addressed to the President, Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board, (address). Every effort will be made to clarify the matter for you.


John J. Smith,
Colonel, U.S. Army, President, Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board.
(Note: Send certified mail, return receipt requested if mailed.)
Annex D—AFDCB Off-Limits Approval Letter
Office Symbol
MEMORANDUM FOR (Commanders of Supported Installations)
SUBJECT: Establishments or Areas Recommended for Off-Limits Designation

1. On (date), the Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) recommended imposition of the following off-limits restrictions: (name and address of establishment)

2. Commanders furnishing AFDCB representatives are requested to provide any comments within 10 days as to whether (name of establishment or area) should be placed off-limits.

3. A copy of the AFDCB minutes and recommendation is enclosed.



John J. Smith,
Colonel, U.S. Army, President, Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board.
Annex E—Letter of Declaration of Off-Limits
Dear Sir:

This letter is to inform you that your establishment has been declared off-limits to members of the Armed Forces effective (date). Members of the Armed Forces are prohibited from entering your establishment (premises) as long as this order is in effect. This action is being taken because of (state the conditions) which are detrimental to the (health or welfare) of members of the Armed Forces.

This restriction will remain in effect indefinitely in accordance with established Armed Forces policy. Removal of the restriction will be considered by the Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board upon presentation of information that satisfactory corrective action has been taken.

Correspondence appealing this action may be submitted to the President, Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board, (cite address).


John J. Smith,
Colonel, U.S. Army, President, Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board.
Annex F—AFDCB Letter of Notification of Continuance of Off-Limits Restrictions After Appearance before the AFDCB


Dear Sir:

The Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) did not favorably consider your request for removal of the off-limits restriction now in effect at your establishment.

This decision does not preclude further appeals or appearances before the AFDCB at any of its scheduled meetings. Correspondence pertaining to this matter should be addressed to the President, Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board, (cite address).


John J. Smith,
Colonel, U.S. Army, President, Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board.
Annex G—AFDCB Letter of Removal of Off-Limits Restriction


Dear Sir:

This letter is to inform you that the off-limits restriction against (name of establishment) is removed effective (date). Members of the Armed Forces are permitted to patronize your establishment as of that date.

The corrective actions taken in response to the concerns of the Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board are appreciated.


John J. Smith,
Colonel, U.S. Army, President, Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board.
Annex H—AFDCB Notification of Removal of Off-Limits Restriction
Dear Sir:

This letter is to inform you that your request for removal of the off-limits restriction now in effect at (name of establishment) was favorably considered by the Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB).

This restriction will be removed effective (date). Members of the Armed Forces will be permitted to patronize your establishment as of that date.

The corrective actions taken in response to the concerns of the AFDCB are appreciated.


John J. Smith,
Colonel, U.S. Army, President, Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board.
Annex I—Format for AFDCB Meeting Minutes
SUBJECT: Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board

1. Pursuant to authority contained in AR 190-24/AFI 31-213/ OPNAVINST 1620.2A/MCO 1620.2C/and COMDTINST 1620.1D, Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Boards and Off-Installation Liaison and Operations, the (area) Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board convened at (place), (date)

2. The following voting members were present: (List names, titles, and addresses.)

3. The following military members were present: (List names, titles, and addresses.)

4. The following civilian advisory members were present: (List names, titles, and addresses.)

5. Order of business:

a. Call to order.

b. Welcome.

c. Introduction of members and guests.

d. Explanation of purpose of board.

e. Reading of minutes.

f. Unfinished or continuing business.

g. New business (subparagraph as necessary).

h. Recommendations.

(1) List of areas and establishments being placed in an off-limits restriction.

Include complete name and address (or adequate description of an area) of any establishment listed.

(2) List of areas and establishments being removed from off-limits restrictions. Include complete name and address (or adequate description of an area) of any establishment listed.

(3) Other matters or problems of mutual concern.

i. Time, date, and place for next board meeting.

j. Adjournment of the board.

(Board Recorder's Name)
(Rank, Branch of Service), Recorder, Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board
(Board President's Name)
(Rank, Branch of Service) President, Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board
(Note: The minutes of the board proceedings will be forwarded by official correspondence from the board president to the sponsoring commander for approval of the board's recommendations. By return endorsement, the sponsoring commander will either approve or disapprove the board's recommendations.)