33 CFR § 105.230 - Maritime Security (MARSEC) Level coordination and implementation.

§ 105.230 Maritime Security (MARSEC) Level coordination and implementation.

(a) The facility owner or operator must ensure the facility operates in compliance with the security requirements in this part for the MARSEC Level in effect for the port.

(b) When notified of an increase in the MARSEC Level, the facility owner and operator must ensure:

(1) Vessels moored to the facility and vessels scheduled to arrive at the facility within 96 hours of the MARSEC Level change are notified of the new MARSEC Level and the Declaration of Security is revised as necessary;

(2) The facility complies with the required additional security measures within 12 hours; and

(3) The facility reports compliance or noncompliance to the COTP.

(c) For MARSEC Levels 2 and 3, the Facility Security Officer must inform all facility personnel about identified threats, and emphasize reporting procedures and stress the need for increased vigilance.

(d) An owner or operator whose facility is not in compliance with the requirements of this section, must inform the COTP and obtain approval prior to interfacing with a vessel or continuing operations.

(e) At MARSEC Level 3, in addition to the requirements in this part, a facility owner or operator may be required to implement additional measures, pursuant to 33 CFR part 6, 160, or 165, as appropriate, which may include but are not limited to:

(1) Use of waterborne security patrol;

(2) Use of armed security personnel to control access to the facility and to deter, to the maximum extent practical, a transportation security incident; and

(3) Examination of piers, wharves, and similar structures at the facility for the presence of dangerous substances or devices underwater or other threats.