33 CFR § 127.008 - Letter of intent and operational risk assessment for LNG fuel facilities.

§ 127.008 Letter of intent and operational risk assessment for LNG fuel facilities.

(a) An owner or operator intending to build a new LNG fuel facility, modify construction of any LNG fuel facility, or reactivate an inactive LNG fuel facility electing to complete an operational risk assessment (ORA) in lieu of a WSA as outlined in § 127.007, must submit an LOI and ORA to the COTP of the zone in which the LNG fuel facility is or will be located at least 1 year prior to the start of LNG transfer operations.

(b) Each LOI must contain the information in § 127.007(c)(1) through (c)(5).

(c) The owner or operator who submits an LOI under paragraph (a) of this section must notify the COTP in writing within 15 days of any of the following:

(1) There is any change in the information submitted under paragraph (b) of this section; or

(2) No LNG fuel transfer operations are scheduled within the next 12 months.

(d) The ORA required by paragraph (a) must:

(1) Be carried out in accordance with Chapter 7 of ISO/TS 18683 and Appendix D of DNVGL-RP-G105; or Chapter 19 of NFPA 59A (all incorporated by reference, see § 127.003); or other industry developed risk assessment method acceptable to the Office of Operating and Environmental Standards, Commandant (CG-OES); and

(2) Consider possible factors affecting the ship/shore interface and port operations described in Section 6 of ISO 28460 (incorporated by reference, see § 127.003).

[87 FR 5690, Feb. 2, 2022]