33 CFR § 127.1309 - Operations Manual and Emergency Manual: Use.

§ 127.1309 Operations Manual and Emergency Manual: Use.

The operator must ensure that—

(a) LHG transfer operations are not conducted unless the person in charge of transfer for the waterfront facility handling LHG has a printed or electronic copy of the most recently examined Operations Manual and Emergency Manual readily available in the marine transfer area. Electronic devices used to display the manuals must comply with applicable electrical safety standards in this part;

(b) Each transfer is conducted in accordance with the examined Operations Manual; and

(c) Each emergency response is conducted in accordance with the examined Emergency Manual.

[CGD 88-049, 60 FR 39796, Aug. 3, 1995, as amended by USCG-2020-315, 86 FR 43940, Aug. 11, 2021]