33 CFR § 163.01 - Application.

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§ 163.01 Application.

(a) The regulations in this part apply to vessels navigating the harbors, rivers, and inland waters of the United States, except the Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters as far east as Montreal, the Red River of the North, the Mississippi River and its tributaries above Huey P. Long Bridge, and that part of the Atchafalaya River above its junction with the Plaquemine-Morgan City alternate waterway.

(b) Seagoing barges and their towing vessels shall be subject to the requirements in this part under the provisions of section 14 of the Act of May 28, 1908, as amended (sec. 14, 35 Stat. 428, as amended; 33 U.S.C. 152). Under the provisions of section 15 of the Act of May 28, 1908, as amended (sec. 15, 35 Stat. 429; 33 U.S.C. 153), the penalty for use of an unlawful towline shall be an action against the master of the towing vessel seeking the suspension or revocation of his license or merchant mariner credential.

[CGFR 60-61, 25 FR 9045, Sept. 21, 1960, as amended by CGFR 66-59, 31 FR 13647, Oct. 22, 1966. Redesignated by CGD 81-017, 46 FR 28154, May 26, 1981; USCG-2006-24371, 74 FR 11213, Mar. 16, 2009]