33 CFR § 165.1171 - Copper Canyon, Lake Havasu, Colorado River—Regulated Navigation Area.

§ 165.1171 Copper Canyon, Lake Havasu, Colorado River—Regulated Navigation Area.

(a) Location. The following is a regulated navigation area:

(1) In the water area of Copper Canyon, Lake Havasu, Colorado River, beginning at the approximate center of the mouth of Copper Canyon and drawing a line down the approximate center of the canyon extending shoreward to the end of the navigable waters of the canyon, and comprising a semi-rectangular area extending 30 feet on each side of the line, for a total semi-rectangular width of 60 feet.

(2) This line is more precisely described as: beginning at latitude 34°25′67.6″ N, longitude 114°18′38.5″ W, thence southwesterly to latitude 34°25′64″ N, longitude 114°18′45.7″ W, thence northwesterly to latitude 34°25′65.6″ N, longitude 114°18′46.7″ W, thence southeasterly to latitude 34°25′60.7″ N, longitude 114°18′42.7″ W, thence southwesterly to longitude 34°25′51.4″ N, latitude 114°18′46.2″ W, thence southeasterly to latitude 34°25′47.1″ N, longitude 114°18′49.4″ W, thence to the end of the navigable waters of the canyon.

(b) Definitions. For the purposes of this section:

(1) Vessel: Every description of watercraft, used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on the water, and regardless of mode of power.

(2) Patrol Vessel: Vessels designated by the Captain of the Port, San Diego, to enforce or assist in enforcing these regulations, including Coast Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary, and San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department Vessels.

(c) Regulations.

(1) Vessels, with the exception of patrol vessels, shall not anchor, moor, loiter in, or otherwise impede the transit of any other vessel within the regulated navigation area. Furthermore, all vessels, with the exception of patrol vessels, shall expeditiously and continuously transit the regulated navigation area via the most direct route consistent with navigational safety.

(2) During periods of vessels congestion within the Copper Canyon area, as determined by the Captain of the Port or his or her designated on-scene representative, the regulated navigation area will be closed to all vessels, with the exception of patrol vessels. During designated closure periods, no vessel may enter, remain in, or transit through the regulated navigation area, with the exception of patrol vessels. Designation of periods of vessel congestion and announcement of the closure of the regulated navigation area will be conducted by broadcast notices to mariners on VHF-FM Channel 16 no less frequently than every hour for the duration of the closure period.

(3) Each person in the regulated navigation area shall comply with the directions of the Captain of the Port or his or her designated on-scene representative regarding vessel operation.

[CGD11-97-010, 63 FR 38308, July 16, 1998. Redesignated by USCG-2001-9286, 66 FR 33642, June 25, 2001]