33 CFR § 165.720 - Safety Zone; natural and other disasters in Ports of Jacksonville, Fernandina, and Canaveral, Florida.

§ 165.720 Safety Zone; natural and other disasters in Ports of Jacksonville, Fernandina, and Canaveral, Florida.

(a) Regulated areas. The following areas are established as safety zones during the specified conditions:

(1) Fernandina, FL. All waters within the Cumberland Sound and Amelia River encompassed within the following locations: starting at the demarcation line drawn across the seaward extremity of the St. Marys River Entrance Jetties; thence following the shoreline north to Stafford Island; thence north to Point 1 in position 30°50'00″ N., 81°29′10″ W.; thence west to Point 2 in position 30°50′00″ N., 81°30′47″ W.; thence southwest to Kings Bay in position 30°48′42″ N., 81°31′27″ W.; thence south following the shoreline south to point 3 in position 30°40′30″ N., 81°28′38″ W.; thence southwest to R “18” at Point 4 30°39′57″ N., 81°29′04″ W.; thence southeast to Point 5 30°39′48″ N., 81°28′57″ W.; thence following the shoreline northeast back to origin.

(2) Jacksonville, FL. All waters within the Port of Jacksonville, FL encompassed within the following locations: starting at the demarcation line drawn across the seaward extremity of the St. Johns River Entrance Jetties, thence following the northern riverbank west to the Sister's Creek Bridge, thence following the riverbank west to the Interstate 95 Trout River Bridge, thence following the riverbank south to the Henry H. Buckman Bridge, thence following the eastern riverbank back to origin.

(3) Canaveral, FL. All waters within the Canaveral Barge Canal in Port Canaveral, FL encompassed within the following locations: starting at the demarcation line drawn across the seaward extremity of the Port Canaveral Entrance Channel Jetties, thence following the northern shoreline west to the SR401 Bridge, thence following the southern shoreline back to origin.

(4) All coordinates are North American Datum 1983.

(b) Definition.

(1) The term “designated representative” means Coast Guard Patrol Commanders, including Coast Guard coxswains, petty officers, and other officers operating Coast Guard vessels, and Federal, state, and local officers designated by or assisting the Captain of the Port Jacksonville in the enforcement of the regulated area.

(2) Hurricane Port Condition YANKEE. Set when weather advisories indicate that sustained Gale Force winds from a tropical or hurricane force storm are predicted to make landfall at the port within 24 hours.

(3) Hurricane Port Condition ZULU. Set when weather advisories indicate that sustained Gale Force winds from a Tropical or hurricane force storm are predicted to make landfall at the port within 12 hours.

(c) Regulations.

(1) Hurricane Port Condition YANKEE. All commercial, oceangoing vessels and barges over 500 GRT as measured under Title 46 United States Code Section 14502 or an alternate tonnage established as 6,000 gross tonnage as measured under 46 U.S.C. 14302 (GT ITC) are prohibited from entering in any of the regulated areas designated as being in Port Condition YANKEE within the COTP Zone Jacksonville. Oceangoing commercial vessel traffic outbound will be authorized to transit through the regulated areas until Port Condition ZULU. Additionally, in the Port of Canaveral, no vessel, regardless of size or service, will be allowed to transit through the Port Canaveral Barge Canal upon the setting of Port Condition YANKEE.

(2) Hurricane Port Condition ZULU. All commercial, oceangoing vessels and barges over 500 GRT as measured under Title 46 United States Code Section 14502 or an alternate tonnage established as 6,000 gross tonnage as measured under 46 U.S.C. 14302 (GT ITC) are prohibited from transiting or remaining in any of the regulated areas designated as being in Port Condition ZULU within COTP Zone Jacksonville. All ship-to-shore cargo operations must cease 6 hours prior to setting Port Condition Zulu.

(3) Emergency regulation for other disasters. Any natural or other disasters that are to affect the Jacksonville COTP Zone will result in the prohibition of commercial vessel traffic over 500 GRT as measured under Title 46 United States Code Section 14502 or an alternate tonnage established as 6,000 gross tonnage as measured under 46 U.S.C. 14302 (GT ITC) transiting or remaining in any of the regulated areas predicted to be effected as designated by the COTP Jacksonville.

(4) Persons and vessels desiring to enter, transit through, anchor in, or remain in the regulated area may contact the Captain of the Port Jacksonville via telephone at (904) 564-7513, or a designated representative via VHF radio on channel 16, to request authorization. If authorization to enter, transit through, anchor in, or remain in the regulated area is granted by the Captain of the Port Jacksonville or a designated representative, all persons and vessels receiving such authorization must comply with the instructions of the Captain of the Port Jacksonville or a designated representative.

(5) Coast Guard Sector Jacksonville will attempt to notify the maritime community of periods during which these safety zones will be in effect via Broadcast Notice to Mariners or by on-scene designated representatives.

[USCG-2014-0152, 80 FR 11129, Mar. 2, 2015]