33 CFR § 175.13 - Definitions.

§ 175.13 Definitions.

As used in this subpart:

Personal flotation device or PFD means a device that is approved by the Commandant under 46 CFR part 160.

Throwable PFD means a PFD that is intended to be thrown to a person in the water. A PFD marked as Type IV or Type V with Type IV performance is considered a throwable PFD. Unless specifically marked otherwise, a wearable PFD is not a throwable PFD.

Wearable PFD means a PFD that is intended to be worn or otherwise attached to the body. A PFD marked as Type I, Type II, Type III, or Type V with Type (I, II or III) performance is considered a wearable PFD.

[USCG-2013-0263, 79 FR 56499, Sept. 22, 2014]