33 CFR § 183.330 - Stability test.

§ 183.330 Stability test.

(a) Flotation standard. When the conditions prescribed in § 183.320 (a), (d) through (g) and paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section are met, the boat must float in fresh, calm water as follows:

(1) The angle of heel does not exceed 30 degrees from the horizontal.

(2) Any point on either the forward or aft reference area is above the surface of the water.

(3) The reference depth at the reference area that is opposite the reference area that is above the surface of the water is 12 inches or less.

(b) Quantity of weight used. Load the boat with quantity of weight that, when submerged, is equal to the sum of the following:

(1) One-half the quantity of weight required by § 183.320(b)(1).

(2) The quantity of weight required by § 183.320(b)(2).

(c) Placement of quantity of weight: starboard side. Place the quantity of weight required by paragraph (b) of this section in the boat so that:

(1) The quantity of weight required by § 183.320(b)(2) is positioned in accordance with § 183.320(c); and

(2) One-half the quantity of weight required by § 183.320(b)(1) is uniformly distributed over a distance along the outboard perimeter of the starboard side of the passenger carrying area that is equal to at least 30 percent of the length of the passenger carrying area so that the center of gravity of the quantity of weight is located within the shaded area illustrated in Figure 12, the center of gravity of the amount of weight placed on the floor of the boat is at least 4 inches above the floor and the center of gravity of the amount of weight placed on a seat is at least 4 inches above the seat. The location and dimensions of the shaded area are as follows:

(i) The shaded area is centered at the mid-length of the passenger carrying area;

(ii) The length of the shaded area is equal to 70 percent of the length of the passenger carrying area; and

(iii) The breadth of the shaded area is 6 inches from:

(a) For weights placed on the floor, the outboard perimeter of the passenger carrying area; and

(b) For weights placed on a seat, a vertical line inside the passenger carrying area as illustrated in Figure 13.

(d) Placement of quantity of weight: port side. The quantity of weight required by paragraph (b)(1) of this section is placed along the port side of the passenger carrying area in accordance with the conditions prescribed in paragraph (c)(2) of this section.