33 CFR § 20.601 - General.

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§ 20.601 General.

(a) Unless the ALJ orders otherwise, each party—and each interested person who has filed written notice of intent to present evidence at any hearing in the proceeding under § 20.404—shall make available to the ALJ and to every other party and interested person—

(1) The name of each expert and other witness the party intends to call, together with a brief narrative summary of the expected testimony; and

(2) A copy, marked as an exhibit, of each document the party intends to introduce into evidence or use in the presentation of its case.

(b) During a pre-hearing conference ordered under § 20.501, the ALJ may direct that the parties exchange witness lists and exhibits either at once or by correspondence.

(c) The ALJ may establish a schedule for discovery and shall serve a copy of any such schedule on each party.

(1) The schedule may include dates by which the parties shall both exchange witness lists and exhibits and file any requests for discovery and objections to such requests.

(2) Unless the ALJ orders otherwise, the parties shall exchange witness lists and exhibits 15 days or more before hearing.

(d) Further discovery may occur only by order, and then only when the ALJ determines that—

(1) It will not unreasonably delay the proceeding;

(2) The information sought is not otherwise obtainable;

(3) The information sought has significant probative value;

(4) The information sought is neither cumulative nor repetitious; and

(5) The method or scope of the discovery is not unduly burdensome and is the least burdensome method available.

(e) A motion for discovery must set forth—

(1) The circumstances warranting the discovery;

(2) The nature of the information sought; and

(3) The proposed method and scope of discovery and the time and place where the discovery would occur.

(f) If the ALJ determines that he or she should grant the motion, he or she shall issue an order for the discovery, together with the terms on which it will occur.