34 CFR § 367.52 - How does the Secretary reallot funds under this program?

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§ 367.52 How does the Secretary reallot funds under this program?

(a) From the amounts specified in paragraph (b) of this section, the Secretary may make reallotment grants to States, as determined by the Secretary, whose population of older individuals who are blind has a substantial need for the services specified in section 752(d) of the Act and § 367.3(b), relative to the populations in other States of older individuals who are blind.

(b) The amounts referred to in paragraph (a) of this section are any amounts that are not paid to States under section 752(c)(2) of the Act and § 367.51 as a result of—

(1) The failure of a DSA to prepare, submit, and receive approval of an application under section 752(h) of the Act and in accordance with §§ 367.30 and 367.31; or

(2) Information received by the Secretary from the DSA that the DSA does not intend to expend the full amount of the State's allotment under section 752(c) of the Act and this subpart.

(c) A reallotment grant to a State under paragraph (a) of this section is subject to the same conditions as grants made under section 752(a) of the Act and this part.

(d) Any funds made available to a State for any fiscal year pursuant to this section are regarded as an increase in the allotment of the State under § 367.51 for that fiscal year only.

(e) A State that does not intend to expend the full amount of its allotment must notify RSA at least 45 days prior to the end of the fiscal year that its grant, or a portion of it, is available for reallotment.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1820-0660)
(Authority: Section 752(i)(4) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; 29 U.S.C. 796k(i)(4))