34 CFR § 395.17 - Suspension of designation as State licensing agency.

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§ 395.17 Suspension of designation as State licensing agency.

(a) If the Secretary has reason to believe that, in the administration of the program, there is a failure on the part of any State licensing agency to comply substantially with the Act and this part, he shall so inform such agency in writing, setting forth, in detail, the areas in which there is such failure and giving it a reasonable opportunity to comply.

(b) If, after the lapse of a reasonable time, the Secretary is of the opinion that such failure to comply still continues and that the State licensing agency is not taking the necessary steps to comply, he shall offer to such agency, by reasonable notice in writing thereto and to the chief executive of the State, an opportunity for a hearing before the Secretary (or person designated by the Secretary) to determine whether there is a failure on the part of such agency to comply substantially with the provisions of the Act and of this part.

(c) If it is thereupon determined that there is a failure on the part of such agency to comply substantially with the Act and this part, appropriate written notice shall be given to such agency and to the chief executive of the State suspending such agency's designation as licensing agency effective 90 days from the date of such notice. A copy of such written notice shall be given to each department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States responsible for the maintenance, operation, and protection of Federal property on which vending machines subject to the requirements of § 395.32 are located in the State. Upon the suspension of such designation, vending machine income from vending machines on Federal property due for accrual to the State licensing agency under § 395.32 shall be retained in escrow by such department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States responsible for the maintenance, operation and protection of the Federal property on which such vending machines are located, pending redesignation of the State licensing agency or rescission of the suspension under paragraph (e) of this section.

(d) If, before the expiration of such 90 days, the Secretary (or person designated by him) determines that the State licensing agency is taking the necessary steps to comply, he may postpone the effective date of such suspension for such time as he deems necessary in the best interest of the program.

(e) If, prior to the effective date of such suspension, the Secretary (or person designated by him) finds that there is no longer a failure on the part of the State licensing agency to comply substantially with the provisions of the Act and this part, he shall so notify the agency, the chief executive of the State, and each Federal department, agency, or instrumentality required to place funds in escrow under paragraph (c) of this section, in which event the suspension of the designation shall not become effective and the requirement to place funds in escrow shall be terminated.