34 CFR § 395.31 - Acquisition and occupation of Federal property.

§ 395.31 Acquisition and occupation of Federal property.

(a) Effective January 2, 1975, no department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States shall undertake to acquire by ownership, rent, or lease, or to otherwise occupy, in whole or in part, any building unless it is determined that such building includes a satisfactory site or sites for the location and operation of a vending facility by a blind vendor. In those cases where a purchase contract, an agreement to lease, or other similar commitment was entered into prior to January 2, 1975, the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply.

(b) Effective January 2, 1975, no department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States, shall undertake to occupy, in whole or in part, any building which is to be constructed, substantially altered, or renovated, or in the case of a building which is occupied on January 2, 1975 by a department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States, no such department, agency, or instrumentality shall undertake to substantially alter or renovate such building, unless it is determined that the design for such construction, substantial alteration, or renovation includes a satisfactory site or sites for the location and operation of a vending facility by a blind vendor. In those cases where a design contract or other similar commitment was entered into prior to January 2, 1975, the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply. For purposes of this paragraph, substantial alteration or renovation of a building means a permanent material change in the floor area of such building which would render such building appropriate for the location and operation of a vending facility by a blind vendor.

(c) The determination that a building contains a satisfactory site or sites under paragraph (a) or (b) of this section shall be made after consultation between the State licensing agency and the head of the department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States which is planning to acquire or otherwise occupy such building. In order to make such determination, effective on the publication date of this part each such department, agency, or instrumentality shall provide to the appropriate State licensing agency written notice of its intention to acquire or otherwise occupy such building. Such written notice shall be by certified or registered mail with return receipt and shall be provided as early as practicable but no later than 60 days prior to such intended action. The written notice shall indicate that a satisfactory site or sites for the location and operation of a vending facility by blind persons is included in the plans for the building to be acquired or otherwise occupied and shall further assure that the State licensing agency shall be afforded the opportunity to determine whether such building includes a satisfactory site or sites for a vending facility. The written notice shall further assure that the State licensing agency, subject to the approval of the head of the Federal property managing department, agency, or instrumentality, shall be offered the opportunity to select the location and type of vending facility to be operated by a blind vendor prior to the completion of the final space layout of the building. The receipt of such written notice shall be acknowledged in writing promptly by the State licensing agency but no later than within 30 days and the State licensing agency shall indicate at that time whether it is interested in establishing a vending facility. A copy of the written notice to the State licensing agency and the State licensing agency's acknowledgement shall be provided to the Secretary.

(d) When, after a written notice has been provided under paragraph (c) of this section, the State licensing agency determines that the number of persons using the Federal property is or will be insufficient to support a vending facility, and the Secretary concurs with such determination, the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section shall not apply. The provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section shall also not apply when fewer than 100 Federal Government employees are or will be located during normal working hours in the building to be acquired or otherwise occupied or when such building contains less than 15,000 square feet of interior space to be utilized for Federal Government purposes in the case of buildings in which services are to be provided to the public.

(e) The operation of a vending facility established under pre-existing arrangements shall not be affected by the provisions of this section. The provisions of this section shall further not preclude future arrangements under which vending facilities to be operated by blind vendors may be established in buildings of a size or with an employee population less than that specified in paragraph (d) of this section: Provided, That both the State licensing agency and the Federal property managing department, agency or instrumentality concur in such establishment.

(f) Each department, agency, and instrumentality of the United States, when leasing property in privately owned buildings, shall make every effort to lease property capable of accommodating a vending facility. When, however, such department, agency, or instrumentality is leasing part of a privately owned building in which prior to the execution of the lease, the lessor or any of his tenants had in operation or had entered into a contract for the operation of a restaurant or other food facility in a part of the building not included in such lease and the operation of a vending facility by a blind vendor would be in proximate and substantial direct competition with such restaurant or other food facility, the provisions of paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section shall not apply.