34 CFR § 395.7 - The issuance and conditions of licenses.

§ 395.7 The issuance and conditions of licenses.

(a) The State licensing agency shall establish in writing and maintain objective criteria for licensing qualified applicants, including a provision for giving preference to blind persons who are in need of employment. Such criteria shall also include provisions to assure that licenses will be issued only to persons who are determined by the State licensing agency to be:

(1) Blind;

(2) Citizens of the United States; and

(3) Certified by the State vocational rehabilitation agency as qualified to operate a vending facility.

(b) The State licensing agency shall provide for the issuance of licenses for an indefinite period but subject to suspension or termination if, after affording the vendor an opportunity for a full evidentiary hearing, the State licensing agency finds that the vending facility is not being operated in accordance with its rules and regulations, the terms and conditions of the permit, and the terms and conditions of the agreement with the vendor.

(c) The State licensing agency shall further establish in writing and maintain policies which have been developed with the active participation of the State Committee of Blind Vendors and which govern the duties, supervision, transfer, promotion, and financial participation of the vendors. The State licensing agency shall also establish procedures to assure that such policies have been explained to each blind vendor.