34 CFR § 463.73 - What are the requirements for eligible providers that receive funding through the Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education program?

§ 463.73 What are the requirements for eligible providers that receive funding through the Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education program?

Eligible providers receiving funds through the Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education program must provide services that—

(a) Include instruction in literacy and English language acquisition and instruction on the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and civic participation; and

(b) Are designed to:

(1) Prepare adults who are English language learners for, and place such adults in, unsubsidized employment in in-demand industries and occupations that lead to economic self-sufficiency; and

(2) Integrate with the local workforce development system and its functions to carry out the activities of the program.

(Authority: 29 U.S.C. 3272, 3333)