36 CFR § 230.7 - Grant requirements.

§ 230.7 Grant requirements.

(a) Once an application is selected, funding will be obligated to the grant recipient through a grant.

(1) The following grant forms and supporting materials must be completed after project selection in order to receive the grant:

(i) An Application for Federal Assistance (Standard Form 424);

(ii) Budget information (Standard Form 424c—Construction Programs);

(iii) Assurances of compliance with all applicable Federal laws, regulations, and policies (Standard Form 424d—Construction Programs); and

(iv) Additional forms, as may be required to award the grant.

(2) The grant paperwork must adhere to the requirements outlined in 2 CFR part 400, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.

(b) The initial grant period will be two years, and acquisition of lands should occur within that timeframe. The grant may be reasonably extended by the Forest Service when necessary to accommodate unforeseen circumstances in the land acquisition process.

(c) Forest Service must approve any amendment to a proposal or request to reallocate funding within a grant proposal.

(d) The grant recipient must comply with the requirements in § 230.8(a) before funds will be released.

(e) After the grant has closed, grant recipients must provide the Forest Service with a Geographic Information System (GIS) shapefile: A digital, vector-based storage format for storing geometric location and associated attribute information, of Community Forest Program project tracts and cost share tracts, if applicable.

(f) Any funds not expended within the grant period must be de-obligated and revert to the Forest Service for redistribution.

(g) All media, press, signage, and other documents discussing the creation of the community forest must reference the partnership and financial assistance by the Forest Service through the Community Forest Program.