37 CFR § 210.10 - Statements required for limitation on liability for digital music providers for the transition period prior to the license availability date.

§ 210.10 Statements required for limitation on liability for digital music providers for the transition period prior to the license availability date.

This section specifies the requirements for a digital music provider to report and pay royalties for purposes of being eligible for the limitation on liability described in 17 U.S.C. 115(d)(10). Terms used in this section that are defined in 17 U.S.C. 115(e) shall have the meaning given those terms in 17 U.S.C. 115(e).

(a) If the required matching efforts are successful in identifying and locating a copyright owner of a musical work (or share thereof) by the end of the calendar month in which the digital music provider first makes use of the work, the digital music provider shall provide statements of account and pay royalties to such copyright owner as a compulsory licensee in accordance with this subpart.

(b) If the copyright owner is not identified or located by the end of the calendar month in which the digital music provider first makes use of the work, the digital music provider shall accrue and hold royalties calculated under the applicable statutory rate in accordance with usage of the work, from initial use of the work until the accrued royalties can be paid to the copyright owner or are required to be transferred to the mechanical licensing collective, as follows:

(1) Accrued royalties shall be maintained by the digital music provider in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, including those concerning derecognition of liabilities.

(2) If a copyright owner of an unmatched musical work (or share thereof) is identified and located by or to the digital music provider before the license availability date, the digital music provider shall, unless a voluntary license or other relevant agreement entered into prior to the time period specified in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section applies to such musical work (or share thereof)—

(i) Not later than 45 calendar days after the end of the calendar month during which the copyright owner was identified and located, pay the copyright owner all accrued royalties, such payment to be accompanied by a cumulative statement of account that includes all of the information that would have been provided to the copyright owner had the digital music provider been providing Monthly Statements of Account as a compulsory licensee in accordance with this subpart to the copyright owner from initial use of the work, and including, in addition to the information and certification required by § 210.6, a clear identification of the total period covered by the cumulative statement and the total royalty payable for the period;

(ii) Beginning with the accounting period following the calendar month in which the copyright owner was identified and located, and for all other accounting periods prior to the license availability date, provide Monthly Statements of Account and pay royalties to the copyright owner as a compulsory licensee in accordance with this subpart; and

(iii) Beginning with the monthly royalty reporting period commencing on the license availability date, report usage and pay royalties for such musical work (or share thereof) for such reporting period and reporting periods thereafter to the mechanical licensing collective, as required under 17 U.S.C. 115(d) and applicable regulations.

(3) If a copyright owner of an unmatched musical work (or share thereof) is not identified and located by the license availability date, the digital music provider shall—

(i) Not later than 45 calendar days after the license availability date, transfer all accrued royalties to the mechanical licensing collective (as required by paragraph (i)(2) of this section and subject to paragraphs (c)(5) and (k) of this section), such payment to be accompanied by a cumulative statement of account that:

(A) Includes all of the information required by paragraphs (c) through (e) of this section covering the period starting from initial use of the work;

(B) Is delivered to the mechanical licensing collective as required by paragraph (i)(1) of this section; and

(C) Is certified as required by paragraph (j) of this section; and

(ii) Beginning with the monthly royalty reporting period commencing on the license availability date, report usage and pay royalties for such musical work (or share thereof) for such period and reporting periods thereafter to the mechanical licensing collective, as required under 17 U.S.C. 115(d) and applicable regulations.

(c) Each cumulative statement of account delivered to the mechanical licensing collective under paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section shall be clearly and prominently identified as a “Cumulative Statement of Account for Making and Distributing Phonorecords,” and shall include a clear statement of the following information:

(1) The period (months and years) covered by the cumulative statement of account.

(2) The full legal name of the digital music provider and, if different, the trade or consumer-facing brand name(s) of the service(s), including any specific offering(s) (including as may be defined in part 385 of this title), through which the digital music provider engages, or has engaged at any time during the period identified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, in covered activities. If the digital music provider has a unique DDEX identifier number, it must also be provided.

(3) The full address, including a specific number and street name or rural route, of the place of business of the digital music provider. A post office box or similar designation will not be sufficient except where it is the only address that can be used in that geographic location.

(4) For each sound recording embodying a musical work that is used by the digital music provider in covered activities during the period identified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section and for which a copyright owner of such musical work (or share thereof) is not identified and located by the license availability date, a detailed cumulative statement, from which the mechanical licensing collective may separate reported information for each month and year for each applicable activity or offering including as may be defined in part 385 of this title, of all of:

(i) The royalty payment and accounting information required by paragraph (d) of this section; and

(ii) The sound recording and musical work information required by paragraph (e) of this section.

(5) The total accrued royalty payable by the digital music provider for the period identified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, computed in accordance with the requirements of this section and part 385 of this title, and including detailed information regarding how the royalty was computed, with such total accrued royalty payable broken down by month and year and by each applicable activity or offering including as may be defined in part 385 of this title.

(i) Where a digital music provider has a reasonable good-faith belief that the total accrued royalties payable are less than the total of the amounts reported under paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section, and the precise amount of such accrued royalties cannot be calculated at the time the cumulative statement of account is delivered to the mechanical licensing collective because of the unmatched status of relevant musical works embodied in sound recordings reported under paragraph (c)(4)(ii) of this section, the total accrued royalties reported and transferred may make use of reasonable estimations, determined in accordance with GAAP and broken down by month and year and by each applicable activity or offering including as may be defined in part 385 of this title. Any such estimate shall be made in good faith and on the basis of the best knowledge, information, and belief of the digital music provider at the time the cumulative statement of account is delivered to the mechanical licensing collective, and subject to any additional accounting and certification requirements under 17 U.S.C. 115 and this section. In no case shall the failure to match a musical work by the license availability date be construed as prohibiting or limiting a digital music provider's entitlement to use such an estimate if the digital music provider has satisfied its obligations under 17 U.S.C. 115(d)(10)(B) to engage in required matching efforts.

(ii) A digital music provider reporting and transferring accrued royalties that make use of reasonable estimations must provide a description of any voluntary license or other agreement containing an appropriate release of royalty claims relied upon by the digital music provider in making its estimation that is sufficient for the mechanical licensing collective to engage in efforts to confirm uses of musical works subject to any such agreement. Such description shall be sufficient if it includes at least the following information:

(A) An identification of each of the digital music provider's services, including by reference to any applicable types of activities or offerings that may be defined in part 385 of this title, relevant to any such agreement. If such an agreement pertains to all of the digital music provider's applicable services, it may state so without identifying each service.

(B) The start and end dates of each covered period of time.

(C) Each applicable musical work copyright owner, identified by name and any known and appropriate unique identifiers, and appropriate contact information for each such musical work copyright owner or for an administrator or other representative who has entered into an applicable agreement on behalf of the relevant copyright owner.

(D) A satisfactory identification of any applicable catalog exclusions.

(E) At the digital music provider's option, and in lieu of providing the information listed in paragraph (c)(5)(ii)(D) of this section, a list of all covered musical works, identified by appropriate unique identifiers.

(F) A unique identifier for each such agreement.


(A) After receiving the information required by paragraph (c)(5)(ii) of this section, the mechanical licensing collective shall, among any other actions required of it, engage in efforts to confirm uses of musical works embodied in sound recordings reported under paragraph (c)(4)(ii) of this section that are subject to any identified agreement, and shall promptly notify relevant copyright owners of the digital music provider's reliance on such identified agreement(s).

(B)(1) A notified copyright owner may dispute whether a digital music provider has appropriately relied upon an identified agreement by delivering a notice of dispute to the mechanical licensing collective no later than one year after being notified. A notice of dispute must describe the basis for the copyright owner's dispute with particularity and specify whether the copyright owner is disputing the digital music provider's reliance with respect to potential distributions based on matched usage or of unclaimed accrued royalties under 17 U.S.C. 115(d)(3)(J), or both. The notice must contain a certification by the copyright owner that its dispute is reasonable and made in good faith. The mechanical licensing collective shall promptly provide the digital music provider with a copy of any notice of dispute it receives. Nothing in this paragraph (c)(5)(iii)(B)(1) shall be construed as prejudicing a copyright owner's right or ability to otherwise dispute a digital music provider's reliance on an identified agreement outside of this process.

(2) If the mechanical licensing collective receives a notice of dispute from an appropriate copyright owner in compliance with paragraph (c)(5)(iii)(B)(1) of this section, then at or around the point in time that the mechanical licensing collective would otherwise make a particular distribution to that copyright owner but for the digital music provider's reliance on the disputed agreement, the mechanical licensing collective shall deliver an invoice and/or response file to the digital music provider consistent with paragraph (h) of this section that includes the amount that would otherwise be distributed at that time (which shall include the interest that would have accrued on such amount had it been held by the mechanical licensing collective pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 115(d)(3)(H)(ii) from the original date of transfer) and an explanation of how that amount was determined. Depending on the scope of the notice of dispute, this may include distributions based on matched usage and/or distributions of unclaimed accrued royalties under 17 U.S.C. 115(d)(3)(J). In the case of the latter, the relevant approximate date to deliver the invoice and/or response file to the digital music provider shall be the date on which the mechanical licensing collective provides the notice required under 17 U.S.C. 115(d)(3)(J)(iii)(II)(dd). Where a copyright owner delivers a notice of dispute after the relevant point in time has passed for a particular distribution, the mechanical licensing collective shall deliver the invoice and/or response file to the digital music provider promptly after receiving the notice of dispute. No later than 14 business days after receipt of the invoice and/or response file, the digital music provider must pay the invoiced amount.

(3) All amounts delivered to the mechanical licensing collective by a digital music provider pursuant to paragraph (c)(5)(iii)(B)(2) of this section shall be held by the mechanical licensing collective pending resolution of the dispute, in accordance with 17 U.S.C. 115(d)(3)(H)(ii)(I) without regard for whether or not the funds are in fact accrued royalties. The mechanical licensing collective shall not make a distribution of the funds (or any part thereof), treat the funds (or any part thereof) as an overpayment, or otherwise release the funds (or any part thereof), unless directed to do so by mutual agreement of the relevant parties or by order of an adjudicative body with appropriate authority. If the mechanical licensing collective has not been so directed within one year after the funds have been received from the digital music provider, and if there is no active dispute resolution occurring at that time, the mechanical licensing collective shall treat the funds as an overpayment which shall be handled in accordance with paragraph (k)(5) of this section.

(C) The mechanical licensing collective shall presume that a digital music provider has appropriately relied upon an identified agreement, except with respect to a relevant copyright owner who has delivered a valid notice of dispute for such agreement pursuant to paragraph (c)(5)(iii)(B)(1) of this section. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, any resolution of a dispute shall be reflected in the mechanical licensing collective's ongoing administration activities.


(A) Subject to paragraph (c)(5)(iii) of this section, if the amount transferred to the mechanical licensing collective by a digital music provider with its cumulative statement of account is insufficient to cover any required distributions to copyright owners, the mechanical licensing collective shall deliver an invoice and/or response file to the digital music provider consistent with paragraph (h) of this section that includes the amount outstanding (which shall include the interest that would have accrued on such amount had it been held by the mechanical licensing collective pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 115(d)(3)(H)(ii) from the original date of transfer) and the basis for the mechanical licensing collective's conclusion that such amount is due. No later than 14 business days after receipt of such notice, the digital music provider must pay the invoiced amount.

(B) In the event a digital music provider is found by an adjudicative body with appropriate authority to have erroneously, but not unreasonably or in bad faith, withheld accrued royalties, the digital music provider may remain in compliance with this section for purposes of retaining its limitation on liability if the digital music provider has otherwise satisfied the requirements for the limitation on liability described in 17 U.S.C. 115(d)(10) and this section and if the additional amount due is paid in accordance with a relevant order.

(v) Any overpayment of royalties based upon an estimate permitted by paragraph (c)(5)(i) of this section shall be handled in accordance with paragraph (k)(5) of this section.

(vi) Any underpayment of royalties shall be remedied by a digital music provider without regard for the adjusted statute of limitations described in 17 U.S.C. 115(d)(10)(C). By using an estimate permitted by either paragraph (c)(5)(i) or (d)(2) of this section, a digital music provider agrees to waive any statute-of-limitations-based defenses with respect to any asserted underpayment of royalties connected to the use of such an estimate.

(vii) Nothing in this section shall be construed as prejudicing a copyright owner's ability to challenge whether a digital music provider has satisfied the requirements for the limitation on liability.

(6) If the total accrued royalty reported under paragraph (c)(5) of this section does not reconcile with the royalties actually transferred to the mechanical licensing collective, or if the royalties reported employ an estimate as permitted under paragraph (c)(5)(i) of this section, a clear and detailed explanation of the difference and the basis for it.

(d) The royalty payment and accounting information called for by paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section shall consist of the following:

(1) A detailed and step-by-step accounting of the calculation of attributable royalties under applicable provisions of this section and part 385 of this title, sufficient to allow the mechanical licensing collective to assess the manner in which the digital music provider determined the royalty and the accuracy of the royalty calculations, including but not limited to the number of payable units, including, as applicable, permanent downloads, plays, and constructive plays, for each reported sound recording.

(2) Where computation of the attributable royalties depends on an input that is unable to be finally determined at the time the cumulative statement of account is delivered to the mechanical licensing collective and where the reason the input cannot be finally determined is outside of the digital music provider's control (e.g., the amount of applicable public performance royalties and the amount of applicable consideration for sound recording copyright rights), a reasonable estimation of such input, determined in accordance with GAAP, may be used or provided by the digital music provider. Royalty payments based on such estimates shall be adjusted pursuant to paragraph (k) of this section after being finally determined. A cumulative statement of account containing an estimate permitted by this paragraph (d)(2) should identify each input that has been estimated, and provide the reason(s) why such input(s) needed to be estimated and an explanation as to the basis for the estimate(s).

(3) All information and calculations provided pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section shall be made in good faith and on the basis of the best knowledge, information, and belief of the digital music provider at the time the cumulative statement of account is delivered to the mechanical licensing collective, and subject to any additional accounting and certification requirements under 17 U.S.C. 115 and this section.

(e) For each sound recording embodying a musical work required to be reported under paragraph (c)(4)(ii) of this section, the digital music provider shall provide the information referenced in § 210.6(c)(3) that would have been provided to the copyright owner had the digital music provider been serving Monthly Statements of Account as a compulsory licensee in accordance with this subpart on the copyright owner from initial use of the work, plus the unique identifier assigned by the digital music provider to the sound recording and a unique identifier assigned by the digital music provider to each individual usage line.

(f) The information required by paragraphs (c), (d), (e), (k), and (o) of this section requires intelligible, legible, and unambiguous statements in the cumulative statements of account, without incorporation of facts or information contained in other documents or records.

(g) References to part 385 of this title, as used in paragraphs (c), (d), and (k) of this section, refer to the rates and terms of royalty payments, including any defined activities or offerings, as in effect as to each particular reported use based on when the use occurred.

(h) If requested by a digital music provider, the mechanical licensing collective shall deliver an invoice and/or a response file to the digital music provider within a reasonable period of time after the cumulative statement of account and related royalties are received. The response file shall contain such information as is common in the industry to be reported in response files, backup files, and any other similar such files provided to digital music providers by applicable third-party administrators.


(1) To the extent practicable, each cumulative statement of account delivered to the mechanical licensing collective under paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section, and each supplemental metadata report delivered to the mechanical licensing collective under paragraph (o) of this section, shall be delivered in a machine-readable format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the mechanical licensing collective as reasonably determined by the mechanical licensing collective and set forth on its website, taking into consideration relevant industry standards and the potential for different degrees of sophistication among digital music providers. The mechanical licensing collective must offer an option that is accessible to smaller digital music providers that may not be reasonably capable of complying with the requirements of a sophisticated reporting or data standard or format. Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting the mechanical licensing collective from adopting more than one reporting or data standard or format. A digital music provider may use an alternative reporting or data standard or format pursuant to an agreement with the mechanical licensing collective under paragraph (l) of this section, consent to which shall not be unreasonably withheld by the mechanical licensing collective.

(2) Royalty payments shall be delivered to the mechanical licensing collective in such manner and form as the mechanical licensing collective may reasonably determine and set forth on its website. A cumulative statement of account and its related royalty payment may be delivered together or separately, but if delivered separately, the payment must include information reasonably sufficient to allow the mechanical licensing collective to match the cumulative statement of account to the payment.

(j) Each cumulative statement of account delivered to the mechanical licensing collective under paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section shall be accompanied by:

(1) The name of the person who is signing and certifying the cumulative statement of account.

(2) A signature, which in the case of a digital music provider that is a corporation or partnership, shall be the signature of a duly authorized officer of the corporation or of a partner.

(3) The date of signature and certification.

(4) If the digital music provider is a corporation or partnership, the title or official position held in the partnership or corporation by the person who is signing and certifying the cumulative statement of account.

(5) One of the following statements:

(i) Statement one:

I certify that (1) I am duly authorized to sign this cumulative statement of account on behalf of the digital music provider, (2) I have examined this cumulative statement of account, and (3) all statements of fact contained herein are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, and are made in good faith.

(ii) Statement two:

I certify that (1) I am duly authorized to sign this cumulative statement of account on behalf of the digital music provider, (2) I have prepared or supervised the preparation of the data used by the digital music provider and/or its agent to generate this cumulative statement of account, (3) such data is true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, and was prepared in good faith, and (4) this cumulative statement of account was prepared by the digital music provider and/or its agent using processes and internal controls that were subject to an examination, during the past year, by a licensed certified public accountant in accordance with the attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the opinion of whom was that the processes and internal controls were suitably designed to generate monthly statements that accurately reflect, in all material respects, the digital music provider's usage of musical works, the statutory royalties applicable thereto, and any other data that is necessary for the proper calculation of the statutory royalties in accordance with 17 U.S.C. 115 and applicable regulations.

(6) A certification by a duly authorized officer of the digital music provider that the digital music provider has fulfilled the requirements of 17 U.S.C. 115(d)(10)(B)(i) and (ii) but has not been successful in locating or identifying the copyright owner.


(1) A digital music provider may adjust its previously delivered cumulative statement of account, including related royalty payments, by delivering to the mechanical licensing collective a statement of adjustment.

(2) A statement of adjustment shall be clearly and prominently identified as a “Statement of Adjustment of a Cumulative Statement of Account.”

(3) A statement of adjustment shall include a clear statement of the following information:

(i) The previously delivered cumulative statement of account, including related royalty payments, to which the adjustment applies.

(ii) The specific change(s) to the previously delivered cumulative statement of account, including a detailed description of any changes to any of the inputs upon which computation of the royalties payable by the digital music provider depends. Such description shall include the adjusted royalties payable and all information used to compute the adjusted royalties payable, in accordance with the requirements of this section and part 385 of this title, such that the mechanical licensing collective can provide a detailed and step-by-step accounting of the calculation of the adjustment under applicable provisions of this section and part 385 of this title, sufficient to allow each applicable copyright owner to assess the manner in which the digital music provider determined the adjustment and the accuracy of the adjustment. As appropriate, an adjustment may be calculated using estimates permitted under paragraph (d)(2) of this section.

(iii) Where applicable, the particular sound recordings and uses to which the adjustment applies.

(iv) A description of the reason(s) for the adjustment.

(4) In the case of an underpayment of royalties, the digital music provider shall pay the difference to the mechanical licensing collective contemporaneously with delivery of the statement of adjustment or promptly after being notified by the mechanical licensing collective of the amount due. A statement of adjustment and its related royalty payment may be delivered together or separately, but if delivered separately, the payment must include information reasonably sufficient to allow the mechanical licensing collective to match the statement of adjustment to the payment.

(5) In the case of an overpayment of royalties, the mechanical licensing collective shall appropriately credit or offset the excess payment amount and apply it to the digital music provider's account, or upon request, issue a refund within a reasonable period of time.


(i) A statement of adjustment must be delivered to the mechanical licensing collective no later than 6 months after the occurrence of any of the scenarios specified by paragraph (k)(6)(ii) of this section, where such an event necessitates an adjustment. Where more than one scenario applies to the same cumulative statement of account at different points in time, a separate 6-month period runs for each such triggering event. Where more than one scenario necessitates the same particular adjustment, the 6-month deadline to make the adjustment begins to run from the occurrence of the earliest triggering event.

(ii) A statement of adjustment may only be made:

(A) Except as otherwise provided for by paragraph (c)(5) of this section, where the digital music provider discovers, or is notified of by the mechanical licensing collective or a copyright owner, licensor, or author (or their respective representatives, including by an administrator or a collective management organization) of a relevant sound recording or musical work that is embodied in such a sound recording, an inaccuracy in the cumulative statement of account, or in the amounts of royalties owed, based on information that was not previously known to the digital music provider despite its good-faith efforts;

(B) When making an adjustment to a previously estimated input under paragraph (d)(2) of this section;

(C) Following an audit of a digital music provider that concludes after the cumulative statement of account is delivered and that has the result of affecting the computation of the royalties payable by the digital music provider (e.g., as applicable, an audit by a sound recording copyright owner concerning the amount of applicable consideration paid for sound recording copyright rights); or

(D) In response to a change in applicable rates or terms under part 385 of this title.

(E) To ensure consistency with any adjustments made in an Annual Statement of Account generated under § 210.7 for the most recent fiscal year.

(7) A statement of adjustment must be certified in the same manner as a cumulative statement of account under paragraph (j) of this section.


(1) Subject to the provisions of 17 U.S.C. 115, a digital music provider and the mechanical licensing collective may agree in writing to vary or supplement the procedures described in this section, including but not limited to pursuant to an agreement to administer a voluntary license, provided that any such change does not materially prejudice copyright owners owed royalties required to be transferred to the mechanical licensing collective for the digital music provider to be eligible for the limitation on liability described in 17 U.S.C. 115(d)(10). The procedures surrounding the certification requirements of paragraph (j) of this section may not be altered by agreement. This paragraph (l)(1) does not empower the mechanical licensing collective to agree to alter any substantive requirements described in this section, including but not limited to the required royalty payment and accounting information and sound recording and musical work information.

(2) The mechanical licensing collective shall maintain a current, free, and publicly accessible online list of all agreements made pursuant to paragraph (l)(1) of this section that includes the name of the digital music provider (and, if different, the trade or consumer-facing brand name(s) of the services(s), including any specific offering(s), through which the digital music provider engages, or has engaged at any time during the period identified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, in covered activities) and the start and end dates of the agreement. Any such agreement shall be considered a record that a copyright owner may access in accordance with 17 U.S.C. 115(d)(3)(M)(ii). Where an agreement made pursuant to paragraph (l)(1) of this section is made pursuant to an agreement to administer a voluntary license or any other agreement, only those portions that vary or supplement the procedures described in this section and that pertain to the administration of a requesting copyright owner's musical works must be made available to that copyright owner.

(m) Each digital music provider shall, for a period of at least seven years from the date of delivery of a cumulative statement of account or statement of adjustment to the mechanical licensing collective, keep and retain in its possession all records and documents necessary and appropriate to support fully the information set forth in such statement (except that such records and documents that relate to an estimated input permitted under paragraph (d)(2) of this section must be kept and retained for a period of at least seven years from the date of delivery of the statement containing the final adjustment of such input).

(n) Errors in a cumulative statement of account or statement of adjustment that do not materially prejudice the rights of the copyright owner shall be deemed harmless, and shall not render that statement invalid.


(1) By June 15, 2021, the digital music provider must submit a supplemental metadata report that includes all of the information provided in the cumulative statement of account pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section, as well as, separately or together with such information, the following information for each sound recording embodying a musical work that was reported under paragraph (c)(4)(ii) of this section:

(i) Identifying information for the sound recording, including but not limited to:

(A) Sound recording name(s), including, to the extent practicable, all known alternative and parenthetical titles for the sound recording;

(B) Featured artist(s);

(C) Unique identifier assigned by the digital music provider, if any, including to the extent practicable, any code(s) that can be used to locate and listen to the sound recording through the digital music provider's public-facing service;

(D) Actual playing time measured from the sound recording audio file, where available; and

(E) To the extent acquired by the digital music provider in connection with its use of sound recordings of musical works to engage in covered activities, and to the extent practicable:

(1) Sound recording copyright owner(s);

(2) Producer(s);

(3) International standard recording code(s) (ISRC);

(4) Any other unique identifier(s) for or associated with the sound recording, including any unique identifier(s) for any associated album, including but not limited to:

(i) Catalog number(s);

(ii) Universal product code(s) (UPC); and

(iii) Unique identifier(s) assigned by any distributor;

(5) Version(s);

(6) Release date(s);

(7) Album title(s);

(8) Label name(s); and

(9) Distributor(s).

(ii) Identifying information for the musical work embodied in the reported sound recording, to the extent acquired by the digital music provider in the metadata provided by sound recording copyright owners or other licensors of sound recordings in connection with the use of sound recordings of musical works to engage in covered activities, and to the extent practicable:

(A) Information concerning authorship of the applicable rights in the musical work embodied in the sound recording, including but not limited to:

(1) Songwriter(s); and

(2) International standard name identifier(s) (ISNI) and interested parties information code(s) (IPI) for each such songwriter;

(B) International standard musical work code(s) (ISWC) for the musical work embodied in the sound recording; and

(C) Musical work name(s) for the musical work embodied in the sound recording, including any alternative or parenthetical titles for the musical work.


(A) For each track for which a share of a musical work has been matched and for which accrued royalties for such share have been paid, but for which one or more shares of the musical work remains unmatched and unpaid, the digital music provider must provide, for each usage line for such track, a reference to the specific unique identifier for the usage line reported under paragraph (e) of this section, and a clear identification of the percentage share(s) that have been matched and paid and the owner(s) of such matched and paid share(s) (including any unique party identifiers for such owner(s) that are known by the digital music provider).

(B) If, for a particular track, a digital music provider cannot provide a clear identification of the percentage share(s) that have been matched and paid and the owner(s) of such share(s) because this information is subject to a contractual confidentiality restriction or the conditions of paragraph (o)(1)(iii)(C) of this section apply with respect to such information, the digital music provider must provide alternate information for the track, namely, a clear identification of the total aggregate percentage share that has been matched and paid and the owner(s) of the aggregate matched and paid share (including any unique party identifiers for such owner(s) that are known by the digital music provider). If the digital music provider still cannot provide such alternate information because of the conditions of paragraph (o)(1)(iii)(C) of this section, the information required by this paragraph (o)(1)(iii)(B) may be omitted for the track from the supplemental metadata report. A digital music provider reporting under this paragraph (o)(1)(iii)(B) must deliver a certification to the mechanical licensing collective stating that the conditions of being permitted to report under this paragraph (o)(1)(iii)(B) apply with respect to the provision of alternate information or omission of percentage share(s) information entirely, as specified in the certification.

(C) The conditions referred to in paragraph (o)(1)(iii)(B) of this section are:

(1) The information is maintained only by a third-party vendor;

(2) The digital music provider does not have any contractual or other rights to access the information;

(3) The digital music provider is unable to compile the information from records in its possession using commercially reasonable efforts within the required reporting timeframe; and

(4) The vendor refuses to make the information available to the digital music provider on commercially reasonable terms.

(2) Any obligation under paragraph (o)(1) of this section concerning information about sound recording copyright owners may be satisfied by reporting the information for applicable sound recordings provided to the digital music provider by sound recording copyright owners or other licensors of sound recordings (or their representatives) contained in each of the following DDEX fields: LabelName and PLine. Where a digital music provider acquires this information in addition to other information identifying a relevant sound recording copyright owner, all such information must be reported to the extent practicable.

(3) As used in this paragraph (o), it is practicable to provide the enumerated information if:

(i) It belongs to a category of information expressly required to be reported by the enumerated list of information contained in § 210.6(c)(3);

(ii) It belongs to a category of information that has been reported, or is required to be reported, by the particular digital music provider to the mechanical licensing collective under the blanket license; or

(iii) It belongs to a category of information that is reported by the particular digital music provider to the mechanical licensing collective under a voluntary license or individual download license.

(4) The supplemental metadata report provided for in this paragraph (o) is not a condition for eligibility for the limitation on liability in 17 U.S.C. 115(d)(10), or a condition of the blanket license.

[83 FR 63065, Dec. 7, 2018. Redesignated at 85 FR 58143, Sept. 17, 2020. Amended at 86 FR 2203, Jan. 11, 2021; 86 FR 7653, Feb. 1, 2021]