37 CFR Appendix A to Part 202 - Appendix A to Part 202—Technical Guidelines Regarding Sound Physical Condition

Appendix A to Part 202—Technical Guidelines Regarding Sound Physical Condition

To be considered a copy “of sound physical condition” within the meaning of 37 CFR 202.22(d)(5), a copy shall conform to all the technical guidelines set out in this Appendix.

A. Physical Condition. All portions of the copy that reproduce the transmission program must be:

1. Clean: Free from dirt, marks, spots, fungus, or other smudges, blotches, blemishes, or distortions;

2. Undamaged: Free from burns, blisters, tears, cuts, scratches, breaks, erasure, or other physical damage. The copies must also be free from:

(i) Any damage that interferes with performance from the tape or other reproduction, including physical damage resulting from earlier mechanical difficulties such as cassette jamming, breaks, tangles, or tape overflow; and

(ii) Any erasures, damage causing visual or audible defects or distortions or any material remaining from incomplete erasure of previously recorded works.

3. Unspliced: Free from splices in any part of the copy reproducing the transmission program, regardless of whether the splice involves the addition or deletion of material or is intended to repair a break or cut.

4. Undeteriorated: Free from any visual or aural deterioration resulting from aging or exposure to climatic, atmospheric, or other chemical or physical conditions, including heat, cold, humidity, electromagnetic fields, or radiation. The copy shall also be free from excessive brittleness or stretching, from any visible flaking of oxide from the tape base or other medium, and from other visible signs of physical deterioration or excessive wear.

B. Physical Appurtenances of Deposit Copy.

1. Physical Housing of Video Tape Copy.

(a) In the case of video tape reproduced for reel-to-reel performance, the deposit copy shall consist of reels of uniform size and length. The length of the reels will depend on both the size of the tape and its running time (the last reel may be shorter). (b) In the case of video tape reproduced for cassette, cartridge, or similar performance, the tape drive mechanism shall be fully operable and free from any mechanical defects.

2. “Leader” or Equivalent. The copy, whether housed in reels, cassettes, or cartridges, shall have a leader segment both preceding the beginning and following the end of the recording.

C. Visual and Aural Quality of Copy:

1. Visual Quality. The copy should be equivalent to an evaluated first generation copy from an edited master tape and must reproduce a flawless and consistent electronic signal that meets industry standards for television screening.

2. Aural Quality. The sound channels or other portions must reproduce a flawless and consistent electronic signal without any audible defects.

(17 U.S.C. 407, 408, 702)
[48 FR 37209, Aug. 17, 1983, as amended at 60 FR 34168, June 30, 1995]