38 CFR § 21.299 - Use of Government facilities for on-job training or work experience at no or nominal pay.

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§ 21.299 Use of Government facilities for on-job training or work experience at no or nominal pay.

(a) Types of facilities which may be used to provide training. Notwithstanding any other provision of regulations governing chapter 31, the facilities of any agency of the United States or of any State or local government receiving Federal financial assistance may be used to provide training or work experience at no or nominal pay as all or part of the veteran's program of vocational training under §§ 21.123, 21.294, and 21.296 of this part. The Counseling Psychologist (CP) or Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC) and case manager must determine that the training work experience is necessary to accomplish vocational rehabilitation and providing such training or work experience is in the best interest of the veteran and the Federal government.

(b) Employment status of veterans.

(1) While pursuing on-job training or work experience in a facility of the United States, a veteran:

(i) Shall be deemed to be an employee of the United States for the purposes of benefits under chapter 81, title 5 U.S.C.; but

(ii) Shall not be deemed an employee of the United States for the purpose of laws administered by the Office of Personnel Management.

(2) While pursuing on-job training or work experience in a State or local government agency the veteran shall have the employment status and rights comparable to those provided in paragraph (b)(1) of this section for a veteran pursuing on-job training or work experience at a Federal agency.

(c) Terms applicable to training in State and local government.

(1) The term State means each of the several States Territories, any possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 101(20))

(2) The term local government agency means an administrative subdivision of a government including a county, municipality, city, town, township, public authority, district, school district, or other such agency or instrumentality of a local government.

(3) The term Federal financial assistance means the direct or indirect provision of funds by grant, loan, contract, or any other arrangement by the Federal government to a State or local government agency.

(d) Additional considerations in providing on-job training and work experience in State and local government agencies.

(1) The veteran's progress and adjustment in a rehabilitation program conducted wholly or in part at a State or local government agency shall be closely monitored by Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) staff members to assure that:

(i) Training and rehabilitation services are provided in accordance with the veteran's rehabilitation plan. The plan shall provide for:

(A) Close supervision of the veteran's progress and adjustment by the case manager during the period he or she is at the State or local government agency; and

(B) The employer's periodic certification (not less than once every three months) that the veteran's progress and adjustment are in accordance with the program which has been jointly developed by VA, the veteran and the employer; and

(ii) The veteran achieves his or her employment goal.

(2) Training may not be provided for a position which involves religious or political activities;

(3) The veteran's training:

(i) Will not result in the displacement of currently employed workers; and

(ii) Will not be in a job while another person is laid off from a substantially equivalent job, or will not be in a job the opening for which was created as a result of the employer having terminated the employment of any regular employee or otherwise having reduced its workforce with the intention of using the opening for a Chapter 31 trainee.

(Authority: Pub. L. 100-689)
[55 FR 3739, Feb. 5, 1990, as amended at 81 FR 26132, May 2, 2016; 87 FR 8743, Feb. 16, 2022]