38 CFR § 21.7612 - Programs of education combining two or more types of courses.

§ 21.7612 Programs of education combining two or more types of courses.

An approved program may consist of courses offered by two educational institutions concurrently, or courses offered through class attendance and by television concurrently. An educational institution may contract the actual training to another educational institution, provided the course is approved by the State approving agency having approval jurisdiction over the educational institution actually providing the training.

(a) Concurrent enrollment. When a reservist cannot schedule his or her complete program at one educational institution, VA may approve a program of concurrent enrollment. When requesting such a program, the reservist must show that his or her complete program of education is not available at the educational institution in which he or she will pursue the major portion of his or her program (the primary educational institution), or that it cannot be scheduled within the period in which he or she plans to complete his or her program. A reservist who is limited in the types of courses he or she may pursue, as provided in § 21.7540 (b)(2) and (b)(3), may pursue courses only at an institution of higher learning. If such a reservist cannot complete his or her program at one institution of higher learning, VA may approve a concurrent enrollment only if both the educational institutions the reservist enrolls in are institutions of higher learning.

(Authority: 10 U.S.C. 2131(c), 2136(b); 38 U.S.C. 3680(g); sec. 705(a)(1), Pub. L. 98-525, 98 Stat. 2565, 2567; sec. 642, Pub. L. 101-189, 103 Stat. 1456-1458)

(b) Television. In determining whether a reservist may pursue all or part of a program of education by television, VA will apply the provisions of § 21.4233(c).

[53 FR 34740, Sept. 8, 1988, as amended at 61 FR 20729, May 8, 1996; 61 FR 29303, June 10, 1996; 62 FR 40280, July 28, 1997]