38 CFR § 36.4364 - Documentation and related requirements—flexible condominiums and condominiums with offsite facilities.

§ 36.4364 Documentation and related requirements—flexible condominiums and condominiums with offsite facilities.

(a) Expandable condominiums. The following policies apply to condominium regimes which may be increased in size by the declarant:

(1) The declarant's right to expand the regime must be fully described in the declaration. The declaration must contain provisions adequate to ensure that future improvements to the condominium will be consistent with initial improvements in terms of quality of construction. The declarant must build each phase in accordance with an approved general plan for the total development (§ 36.4361(d)(2)) supported by detailed plats and plans of each phase prior to the construction of the particular phase.

(2) The reservation of a right to expand the condominium regime, the method of expansion and the result of an expansion must not affect the statutory validity of the condominium regime or the validity of title to the units.

(3) The declaration or equivalent document must contain a covenant that the condominium regime may not be amended or merged with a successor condominium regime without prior written approval of the Secretary. The declarant may have the proposed legal documentation to accomplish the merger reviewed prior to recordation. However, the Secretary's final approval of the merger will not be granted until the successor condominium has been legally established and construction completed. The declarant may add phases to an expandable condominium regime without the prior approval of the Secretary if the phasing implements a previously approved general plan for the total development. A copy of the amendment to the declaration or other annexation document which adds each phase must be submitted to the Secretary in accordance with § 36.4365(b)(6).

(4) Liens arising in connection with the declarant's ownership of, and construction of improvements upon, the property to be added must not adversely affect the rights of existing unit owners, or the priority of first mortgages on units in the existing condominium property. All taxes, assessments, mechanic's liens, and other charges affecting such property, covering any period prior to the addition of the property, must be paid or otherwise satisfactorily provided for by the declarant.

(5) The declarant must purchase (at declarant's own expense) a general liability insurance policy in an amount not less than $1 million for each occurrence, to cover any liability which owners of previously sold units are exposed to as a result of further condominium project development.

(6) Each expandable project shall have a specified maximum number of units which will give each unit owner a minimum percentage of interest in the common elements. Each project shall also have a specified minimum number of units which will give each unit owner a maximum percentage of interest in the common elements. The minimum number of units to be built should be that which would be adequate to reasonably support the common elements. The maximum number of units to be built should be that which would not overload the capacity of the common facilities. The maximum possible percentage(s) and the minimum possible percentage(s) of undivided interest in the common elements for each type of unit must be stated in the declaration or equivalent document.

(7) The declaration or equivalent document shall set forth clearly the basis for reallocation of unit owner's ownership interests, common expense liabilities and voting rights in the event the number of units in the condominium is increased. Such reallocation shall be according to the applicable criteria set forth in §§ 36.4361(b) and 36.4362(c)(1) and (2).

(8) The declarant's right to expand the condominium must be for a reasonable period of time with a specific ending date. The maximum acceptable period will usually be from 5 to 7 years after the date of recording the declaration. On a case basic, longer periods of expansion rights will be acceptable, particularly in circumstances involving sizable condominium developments.

(b) Series projects.

(1) Each phase in the series approach is to be considered as a separate project. A separate set of legal documents must be filed for each phase or project that relates to the condominium within its own boundary. The declaration for each phase must describe the particular project as a part of the whole development area, but subject only the one phase to the condominium regime. A separate unit ratio must be established that would relate each unit to all units of the particular condominium for purposes of ownership in the common areas, voting rights and assessment liability. A separate association may be created to govern the affairs of each condominium. Each phase is subject to a separate presale requirement.

(2) In the case of proposed projects, or projects under construction, the declaration should state the number of total units that the developer intends to build on other sections of the development area.

(c) Other flexible condominiums. Condominiums containing withdrawable real estate (contractable condominiums) and condominiums containing convertible real estate (portions of the condominium within which additional units or limited common elements, or both, may be created) will be considered acceptable provided the flexible condominium complies with the § 36.4300 series.

(The Office of Management and Budget has approved the information collection requirements of this section under control number 2900-0448)
(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 3703(c)(1), 3710(a)(6))
[73 FR 6310, Feb. 1, 2008. Redesignated at 75 FR 33705, June 15, 2010, as amended at 80 FR 34319, June 16, 2015]