39 CFR § 3045.18 - Request to add a non-experimental product or price category based on an experimental product to the product list.

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§ 3045.18 Request to add a non-experimental product or price category based on an experimental product to the product list.

(a) If the Postal Service seeks to add a non-experimental product or price category based on a former or current experimental product to the market dominant or competitive product list, the Postal Service shall file a request, pursuant to 39 U.S.C. 3642 and part 3040, subpart B of this chapter, to add a non-experimental product or price category to the applicable product list.

(b) The Postal Service shall comply with the requirements specified in paragraphs (c) through (e) of this section of this section if the proposed non-experimental product or price category:

(1) Offers the same (or similar) service as a former or current experimental product;

(2) Has the same distinct cost or market characteristic as a former or current experimental product; or

(3) Uses (or is based on) data or assumptions from a former or current market test proceeding.

(c) A request filed under this section shall:

(1) Identify the market test and docket number that the proposed non-experimental product or price category is based on;

(2) Explain the relationship between the proposed non-experimental product or price category and market test or experimental product;

(3) Identify any assumptions from the market test that the request uses or is based on;

(4) Include all data from data collection reports filed during the market test in the financial model supporting the request, or separately identify and explain any differences between the data collection reports filed during the market test and the data used in the financial model supporting the request; and

(5) Quantify the product specific costs associated with the development of the market test; that is, costs incurred before the market test was implemented.

(d) The Postal Service must provide advance notice of a request filed under this section.


(i) The requirements in this paragraph (d)(1) apply if the Postal Service seeks to add a non-experimental product or price category based on an experimental product to the competitive product list as an NSA. If the Postal Service seeks to continue the services provided under a market test immediately when the market test ends with no interruption in service, the Postal Service must file a request under this section at least 45 days before:

(A) The market test expires (including any extension period granted); or

(B) The market test is expected to exceed any authorized limitation specified in §§ 3045.15 and 3045.16 during any fiscal year, whichever is earlier.

(ii) In all other instances, the Postal Service must file a request under this section at least 45 days before the requested date for the Commission's decision.


(i) The requirements in this paragraph (d)(2) apply if the Postal Service seeks to add a non-experimental product or price category based on an experimental product to the market dominant or competitive product list as a product other than a competitive NSA. If the Postal Service seeks to continue the services provided under a market test immediately when the market test ends with no interruption in service, the Postal Service must file a request under this section at least 60 days before:

(A) The market test expires (including any extension period granted); or

(B) The market test is expected to exceed any authorized limitation specified in §§ 3045.15 and 3045.16 during any fiscal year, whichever is earlier.

(ii) In all other instances, the Postal Service must file a request under this section at least 60 days before the requested date for the Commission's decision.

(e) The Postal Service shall also file a notice of a request filed under this section in the market test proceeding's docket if the market test proceeding's docket is an active case before the Commission. This notice shall include the applicable docket number(s) for the proceeding evaluating the request.

[84 FR 975, Feb. 1, 2019, as amended at 85 FR 9659, Feb. 19, 2020; 85 FR 29325, May 15, 2020]