39 CFR § 3050.1 - Definitions applicable to this part.

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§ 3050.1 Definitions applicable to this part.

(a) Accepted analytical principle refers to an analytical principle that was applied by the Commission in its most recent Annual Compliance Determination unless a different analytical principle subsequently was accepted by the Commission in a final rule.

(b) Accepted quantification technique refers to a quantification technique that was applied in the most recent iteration of the periodic report applying that quantification technique or was used to support a new analytical principle adopted in a subsequent rule 3050.11 proceeding.

(c) Analytical principle refers to a particular economic, mathematical, or statistical theory, precept, or assumption applied by the Postal Service in producing a periodic report to the Commission.

(d) Annual Compliance Determination refers to the report that 39 U.S.C. 3653 requires the Commission to issue each year evaluating the compliance of the Postal Service.

(e) Annual periodic reports to the Commission refers to all of the reports that the Postal Service is required to provide to the Commission each year.

(f) Quantification technique refers to any data entry or manipulation technique whose validity does not require the acceptance of a particular economic, mathematical, or statistical theory, precept, or assumption. A change in quantification technique should not change the output of the analysis in which it is employed.

(g) Section 3652 report refers to the annual compliance report provided by the Postal Service to the Commission pursuant to 39 U.S.C. 3652, but does not include the reports required by 39 U.S.C. 2803 and 2804.