40 CFR § 1.29 - Office of Inspector General.

§ 1.29 Office of Inspector General.

The Office of Inspector General assumes overall responsibility for audits and investigations relating to EPA programs and operations. The Office provides leadership and coordination and recommends policies for other Agency activities designed to promote economy and efficiency and to prevent and detect fraud and abuse is such programs and operations. The Office of the Inspector General informs the Administrator, Deputy Administrator, and Congress of serious problems, abuses and deficiencies relating to EPA programs and operations, and of the necessity for and progress of corrective action; and reviews existing and proposed legislation and regulations to assess the impact on the administration of EPA's programs and operations. The Office recommends policies for, and conducts or coordinates relationships between, the Agency and other Federal, State and local government agencies, and nongovernmental entities on all matters relating to the promotion of economy and efficiency in the administration of, or the prevention and detection of fraud and abuse in, programs and operations administered by the Agency.