40 CFR § 1.33 - Office of Administration and Resources Management.

§ 1.33 Office of Administration and Resources Management.

The Office of Administration and Resources Management is under the supervision of the Assistance Administrator for Administration and Resources Management who provides services to all of the programs and activities of the Agency, except as may be specifically noted. In addition, the Assistant Administrator has primary responsibility Agencywide for policy and procedures governing the functional areas outlined below. The major functions of the Office include resources management and systems (including budget and financial management), personnel services, occupational health and safety, administrative services, organization and management analysis and systems development, information management and services, automated data processing systems, procurement through contracts and grants, and human resources management. This Office is the primary point of contact and manages Agencywide internal controls, audit resolution and follow up, and government-wide management improvement initiatives. In the performance of the above functions and responsibilities, the Assistant Administrator for Administration and Resources Management represents the Administrator in communications with the Office of Management and Budget, Office of Personnel Management, General Accounting Office, General Services Administration, Department of the Treasury, and other Federal agencies prescribing requirements for the conduct of Government budget, fiscal management and administrative activities.

(a) Office of Administration and Resources Management, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, (RTP). The Office of Administration and Resources Management (OARM), RTP, under the supervision of a Director, provides services to all of the programs and activities at RTP and certain financial and automated data processing services Agencywide. The major functions of the Office include personnel services, financial management, procurement through contracts, library and other information services, general services (including safety and security, property and supply, printing, distribution, facilities and other administrative services) and providing both local RTP and Agencywide automated data processing systems services. The Director, OARM, RTP, supervises the Office of Administration, Financial Management and Data Processing, RTP.

(b) Office of Administration, Cincinnati, Ohio. The Office of Administration at Cincinnati, Ohio, under the supervision of a Director, provides and administers personnel, procurement, safety and security, property and supply, printing, distribution, facilities, and other administrative service programs at Cincinnati and other specified geographic locations.

(c) Office of the Comptroller. The Office of the Comptroller, under the supervision of the Comptroller, is responsible for Agencywide budget, resources management and financial management functions, including program analysis and planning; budget formulation, preparation and execution; funding allotments and allocations; and developing and maintaining accounting systems, fiscal controls, and systems for payroll and disbursements. The Assistant Administrator's resource systems responsibilities are administered by this Office.

(d) Office of Administration. The Office of Administration, under the supervision of a Director, is responsible for the development and conduct of programs for personnel policies, procedures and operations; organization and management systems, control, and services; facilities, property and space management; personnel and property security; policies, procedures, and operations related to procurement through grants, contracts, and interagency agreements; and occupational health and safety.

(e) Office of Information Resources Management. The Office of Information Resources Management (OIRM), under the supervision of a Director, provides for an information resource management program (IRM) consistent with the provisions of Public Law 96-511. The Office establishes policy, goals and objectives for implementation of IRM; develops annual and long-range plans and budgets for IRM functions and activities; and promotes IRM concepts throughout the Agency. The Office coordinates IRM activities; plans, develops and operates information systems and services in support of the Agency's management and administrative functions, and other Agency programs and functions as required. The Office oversees the performance of these activities when carried out by other Agency components. The Office performs liaison for interagency sharing of information and coordinates IRM activities with OMB and GSA. The Office ensures compliance with requirements of Public Law 96-511 and other Federal laws, regulations, and guidelines relative to IRM; and chairs the Agency's IRM Steering Committee. The Office develops Agency policies and standards; and administers or oversees Agency programs for library systems and services, internal records management, and the automated collection, processing, storage, retrieval and transmission of data by or for Agency components and programs. The Office provides national program policy and technical guidance for: The acquisition of all information technology, systems and services by or for Agency components and programs, inculding those systems and services acquired by grantees and contractors using Agency funds; the operation of all Agency computers and telecommunications hardware and facilities; and the establishment and/or application of telecommunications and Federal information processing standards. The Office reviews and evaluates information systems and services, including office automation, which are operated by other Agency components; and sets standards for and approves the selection of Agency personnel who are responsible for the technical management of these activities. The Office coordinates its performance of these functions and activities with the Agency's information collection policies and budgets managed by the Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation.

(f) The Office of Human Resources Management. The Office of Human Resources Management (OHRM), under the supervision of a Director, designs strategies, plans, and policies aimedat developing and training all employees, revitalizing EPA organizations, and matching the right people with the right jobs. The Office is responsible for developing and assuring implementation of policies and practices necessary for EPA to meet its present and future workforce needs. This includes consideration of the interrelationships between the environmental protection workforce needs of EPA and State governments. For Senior Executive Service (SES) personnel, SES candidates, Presidential Executive Interchange Participants, and Management Interns, OHRM establishes policies; assesses and projects Agency executive needs and workforce capabilities; creates, establishes, and implements training and development strategies and programs; provides the full range of personnel functions; supports the Performance Review Board (PRB) and the Executive Resources Board (ERB); and reassigns SES personnel with the concurrence of the ERB. For the areas of workforce management and employee and organizational development, OHRM develops strategies, plans, and policies; coordinates Agencywide implementation of those strategies, plans, and policies; and provides technical assistance to operating personnel offices and States. OHRM, in cooperation with the Office of the Comptroller, evaluates problems with previous workyear use, monitors current workyear utilization, and projects future workyear needs in coordination with the Agency's budget process. The Office is the lead office for coordination of human resources management with the Agency's Strategic Planning and Management System. The Office develops methodologies and procedures for evaluations of Agency human resources management activities; conducts evaluations of human resources management activities Agencywide; and carries out human resources management projects of special interest to Agency management. The Office coordinates its efforts with the Office of Administration (specifically the Personnel Management Division and the Management and Organization Division), the Office of the Comptroller, the Office of Information Resources Management, and the Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation.