40 CFR § 1033.525 - Smoke opacity testing.

§ 1033.525 Smoke opacity testing.

Analyze exhaust opacity test data as follows:

(a) Measure exhaust opacity using the procedures specified in 40 CFR 1065.1125. Perform the opacity test with a continuous digital recording of smokemeter response identified by notch setting over the entire locomotive test cycle specified in § 1033.515(c)(4) or § 1033.520(e)(4). Measure smokemeter response in percent opacity to within one percent resolution.

(b) Calibrate the smokemeter as follows:

(1) Calibrate using neutral density filters with approximately 10, 20, and 40 percent opacity. Confirm that the opacity values for each of these reference filters are NIST-traceable within 185 days of testing, or within 370 days of testing if you consistently protect the reference filters from light exposure between tests.

(2) Before each test, remove the smokemeter from the exhaust stream, if applicable, and calibrate as follows:

(i) Zero. Adjust the smokemeter to give a zero response when there is no detectable smoke.

(ii) Linearity. Insert each of the qualified reference filters in the light path perpendicular to the axis of the light beam and adjust the smokemeter to give a result within 1 percentage point of the named value for each reference filter.

(c) Use computer analysis to evaluate percent opacity for each notch setting. Treat the start of the first idle mode as the start of the test. Each mode ends when operator demand changes for the next mode (or for the end of the test). Analyze the opacity trace using the following procedure:

(1) 3 second peak. Identify the highest opacity value over the test and integrate the highest 3 second average including that highest value.

(2) 30 second peak. Divide the test into a series of 30 second segments, advancing each segment in 1 second increments. Determine the opacity value for each segment and identify the highest opacity value from all the 30 second segments.

(3) Steady-state. Calculate the average of second-by-second values between 120 and 180 seconds after the start of each mode. For RMC modes that are less than 180 seconds, calculate the average over the last 60 seconds of the mode. Identify the highest of those steady-state values from the different modes.

(d) Determine values of standardized percent opacity, κstd, by correcting to a reference optical path length of 1 meter for comparing to the standards using the following equation:

κmeas = the value of percent opacity from paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) of this section.
lmeas = the smokemeter's optical path length in the exhaust plume, expressed to the nearest 0.01 meters.
κmeas = 14.1%
lmeas = 1.11 m
κstd = 12.8%
[88 FR 4485, Jan. 24, 2023]