40 CFR § 1090.1325 - Adding blendstock or PCG to TGP.

§ 1090.1325 Adding blendstock or PCG to TGP.

The following provisions apply to a transmix processor or blending manufacturer producing gasoline by adding blendstock or PCG to TGP:

(a) Determine the volume, sulfur content, and benzene content of each blendstock batch used to produce gasoline for reporting and compliance calculations by following the sampling and testing requirements in § 1090.1320 and treating the TGP used to produce the gasoline as PCG.

(b) Sample and test the gasoline made from TGP and PCG or blendstock to demonstrate compliance with the fuel manufacturing facility gate sulfur per-gallon standard in § 1090.205(b) and the applicable RVP standard in § 1090.215.

(c) A transmix processor producing gasoline by only adding TGP to PCG does not have to measure the benzene content of the finished gasoline.