40 CFR § 145.31 - Approval process.

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§ 145.31 Approval process.

(a) Prior to submitting an application to the Administrator for approval of a State UIC program, the State shall issue public notice of its intent to adopt a UIC program and to seek program approval from EPA. This public notice shall:

(1) Be circulated in a manner calculated to attract the attention of interested persons. Circulation of the public notice shall include publication in enough of the largest newspapers in the State to attract Statewide attention and mailing to persons on appropriate State mailing lists and to any other persons whom the agency has reason to believe are interested;

(2) Indicate when and where the State's proposed program submission may be reviewed by the public;

(3) Indicate the cost of obtaining a copy of the submission;

(4) Provide for a comment period of not less than 30 days during which interested persons may comment on the proposed UIC program;

(5) Schedule a public hearing on the State program for no less than 30 days after notice of the hearing is published;

(6) Briefly outline the fundamental aspects of the State UIC program; and

(7) Identify a person that an interested member of the public may contact for further information.

(b) After complying with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section any State may submit a proposed UIC program under section 1422 of SDWA and § 145.22 of this part to EPA for approval. Such a submission shall include a showing of compliance with paragraph (a) of this section; copies of all written comments received by the State; a transcript, recording or summary of any public hearing which was held by the State; and a responsiveness summary which identifies the public participation activities conducted, describes the matters presented to the public, summarizes significant comments received, and responds to these comments. A copy of the responsiveness summary shall be sent to those who testified at the hearing, and others upon request.

(c) After determining that a State's submission for UIC program approval is complete the Administrator shall issue public notice of the submission in the Federal Register and in accordance with paragraph (a)(1) of this section. Such notice shall:

(1) Indicate that a public hearing will be held by EPA no earlier than 30 days after notice of the hearing. The notice may require persons wishing to present testimony to file a request with the Regional Administrator, who may cancel the public hearing if sufficient public interest in a hearing is not expressed;

(2) Afford the public 30 days after the notice to comment on the State's submission; and

(3) Note the availability of the State submission for inspection and copying by the public.

(d) The Administrator shall approve State programs which conform to the applicable requirements of this part.

(e) Within 90 days of the receipt of a complete submission (as provided in § 145.22) or material amendment thereto, the Administrator shall by rule either fully approve, disapprove, or approve in part the State's UIC program taking into account any comments submitted. The Administrator shall give notice of this rule in the Federal Register and in accordance with paragraph (a)(1) of this section. If the Administrator determines not to approve the State program or to approve it only in part, the notice shall include a concise statement of the reasons for this determination. A responsiveness summary shall be prepared by the Regional Office which identifies the public participation activities conducted, describes the matters presented to the public, summarizes significant comments received, and explains the Agency's response to these comments. The responsiveness summary shall be sent to those who testified at the public hearing, and to others upon request.