40 CFR § 147.1850 - State-administered program—Class I, III, IV and V wells.

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§ 147.1850 State-administered program—Class I, III, IV and V wells.

The UIC program for Class I, III, IV, and V wells in the State of Oklahoma, except those on Indian lands, is the program administered by the Oklahoma State Department of Health, approved by EPA pursuant to SDWA section 1422. Notice of this approval was published in the Federal Register on June 24, 1982 (47 FR 27273). The effective date of this program is July 24, 1982. This program consists of the following elements, as submitted to EPA in the State's program application:

(a) Incorporation by reference. The requirements set forth in the State statutes and regulations cited in this paragraph are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of the applicable UIC program under the SDWA for the State of Oklahoma. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register on June 25, 1984.

(1) Oklahoma Statutes title 63 sections 1-901, 1-903 (1981);

(2) Oklahoma Controlled Industrial Waste Disposal Act, Oklahoma Statute Annotated title 63 sections 1-2002, 1-2014 (West Supp. 1983-1984);

(3) Regulations. [Reserved]

(b) Other laws. The following statutes and regulations, although not incorporated by reference except for select sections identified in paragraph (a) of this section, are also part of the approved State-administered UIC program:

(1) Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, Oklahoma Statutes title 25 sections 301 through 314 (Supp. 1978);

(2) Oklahoma Statutes Annotated title 63 sections 1-101 to 1-114, 1-901 to 1-911, 1-1601 et seq., 1-1701, 1-2001 to 1-2014 (West 1973 and Supp. 1982);

(3) Oklahoma Statutes Annotated title 75 sections 301 to 327 (West 1976 and Supp. 1982).

(c) (1) The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA Region VI and the Oklahoma State Department of Health, signed by the EPA Regional Administrator on April 13, 1982;

(2) Memorandum of Understanding between the Oklahoma State Department of Health and the Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC), signed by members of the OCC on February 12, 1982;

(3) Memorandum of Understanding between the Oklahoma State Department of Health and the Oklahoma Department of Mines (ODM), signed by the Deputy Chief Mine Inspector, ODM, on February 15, 1982.

(d) Statement of legal authority. Letter from Attorney General of Oklahoma to Commissioner of Health, Oklahoma State Department of Health, “Re: Statement and Memorandum of Law Concerning the Authority for the Oklahoma State Department of Health's Underground Injection Control Program,” February 12, 1982.

(e) The Program Description and any other materials submitted as part of the application or as supplements thereto.

[49 FR 20197, May 11, 1984, as amended at 53 FR 43090, Oct. 25, 1988]