40 CFR § 158.2170 - Experimental use permit data requirements—microbial pesticides.

§ 158.2170 Experimental use permit data requirements—microbial pesticides.

(a) For all microbial pesticides.

(1) The following § 158.2171 through § 158.2174 identify the data requirements that are required to support experimental use permits for microbial pesticides. The variations in the test conditions are identified within the test notes.

(2) For general information on the data requirement tables, see § 158.2110(a)(2)-(4).

(b) Additional data requirements for genetically modified microbial pesticides. Additional requirements for genetically modified microbial pesticides may include but are not limited to: genetic engineering techniques used; the identity of the inserted or deleted gene segment (base sequence data or enzyme restriction map of the gene); information on the control region of the gene in question; a description of the “new” traits or characteristics that are intended to be expressed; tests to evaluate genetic stability and exchange; and selected Tier II environmental expression and toxicology tests.